Sunday, September 27, 2009

11:35 Drop Dead Gorgeous

Mamamia semplicemente fantasticooo!!!è stata un delle serate più belle in assoluto, non fosse per i miei capelli perfettamente lisci che diventano tutto d’un botto “non riesco a difinire come” per colpa della stupida umidità che risiede nelle zone vicino al mare…fortuna che qualcuno mi ha procurato un ciuffetto…Parlando di cose serie, se avessi scoperto il Mamamia a inizio estate penso che ci avrei passato tutte le serate…è meravigliosooo!!! Regina Miami poi è un mito, per non parlare delle/dei due ballerine/i stile Moulin Rouge con cui ci siamo anche fatte la foto e il tipo biondo ossigenato coi leggings di pelle uguali ai miei e una camicia fucsia fantastica! Non mi sono mai divertita tanto in vita mia…gente splendida, musica splendida, atmosfera splendida…(L)

Hot’n'Cold di Katy

un sacco di Madonna

If U Seek Amy di Britney

Paparazzi di Lady Gaga

Candy man di Christina Aguilera

tutte le icone gay insomma…

Dopo provo a caricare anche il video



Saturday, September 26, 2009



Is It Time To Boycott Hollywood?

 I’ve two points to make: first, and foremost, how is it that a multimillionaire, who has a degree in sports casting, can walk a mile in my shoes? Ferrell did not exactly grow up poor; his dad was the keyboard player for the righteous brothers. I only wish some of that righteousness would have rubbed off on him, as his video is not exactly righteous for the many reasons listed in the comments section of Dave Cook’s article, “Will Ferrell Attacks Insurance Execs.” The other point I wanted to make is that in general, if you make more than ten grand a year, you pay taxes, the amount varies, however 30% of a year’s earnings is a pretty common. That 30% does not include property taxes and sales tax. Making healthcare mandatory and/or implementing fines for not having healthcare is essentially adding more taxes. So if we need to pay out another 10% of earnings, whether you’re 20 years old and fit as a fiddle or not, you will only be keeping 60% of your earnings. Add in another $1500 in property taxes and we then keep 55%. This is unacceptable. As for Ferrell, I advise him to look around at his surroundings; arguably, Oprah is losing her fan base, because of her political pandering, this should be an eye-opener for Hollywood types. We, the people who make or break celebrities, don’t want to hear your manurish ramblings. I’m like a freaking elephant, and I do not forget. The list of movie and TV personalities that I will not support, and vehemently oppose in public circles when they are introduced in conversation, just keeps growing and growing. I don’t mind that celebrities have an opinion, but theres no need to jam your opinion down the throats of those without one. I have no use for knuckleheads like Madonna, Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Affleck, Bill Maurer, Jessica Alba, Ryan Phillippe, John Legend, Anthony Kiedis, Taye Diggs, Kate Walsh, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Tobey Maguire, Edward Norton Jr., Morgan Freeman, Ben Stiller, Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen, Will Smith, Chris Rock, Sean Penn, and the one that hurts me most, as I used to be such a big fan, Eddie Murphy; I refuse to watch them on the big screen or TV. Advertisers, should take heed as well, as it affects their bottom line when they use these pompous windbags. Do us all a favor Hollywood; keep your effer-vescing pie holes shut. Mr. Ferrell, and company, welcome to my black list!


The battle over health care reform took to the web Tuesday, as comedian Will Ferrell and a group of other Hollywood stars released a sarcastic video mocking health insurance executives and pitching the need for a publicly-run health insurance option.

The video was released by Ferrell’s video website “Funny or Die” and by the liberal political group

“Humor can serve as a powerful reminder to Americans about what exactly is at stake” Justin Ruben, executive director of, said in a statement.

Tongue in cheek

The video opens with Jon Hamm, star of TV’s “Mad Men,” saying, “Something terrible is happening.” Ferrell explains the terrible thing is that “health insurance executives are getting a bum rap.” Stars including Olivia Wilde of “House,” Masi Oka of “Heroes,” Donald Faison of “Scrubs,” and Linda Cardellini of “ER,” offer the tongue in check admonition that “we need to remember who the real victims are – health insurance executives.”

Ferrell sarcastically asks, “So why is Obama trying to reform health care when insurance companies are doing just fine making millions of dollars of profit?”

The video continues with an actor saying, “Insurance companies need our support because they keep our selfish priorities in check when we can’t.”

And Ferrell returns to the screen to say, “Insurance companies are detailed enough to reject claims for things like typos. If you spell something wrong, do you really deserve surgery? I don’t think so.”

Pitching the public option

The video closes with a slide urging viewers to “Call Congress: tell them we need a strong public health insurance option.”

The video hit the web on the same day the Senate Finance Committee began hearings on Chairman Max Baucus (D) of Montana’s draft health care reform legislation. The so-called chairman’s mark dos not include the public health insurance option Ferrell and his colleagues are pushing.

But Baucus did announce Tuesday several new measures to make health insurance more affordable for working families, including increased subsidies for lower income families, limits on additional charges insurance companies can impose on older workers, and lower penalties on those who defy rules requiring them to buy insurance.

Republicans attacked the plan, with Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., saying the legislation was a “stunning assault on our liberty.” He cited several provisions to strengthen the government’s role in health care.

Jonas & François

Estos dos creativos franceses, estudiaron en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la ciudad de Poitiers y son unos grandes de la industria videoclipera actual, y es que desde hace algunos años han venido realizando videos dignos de admirarse, renovando la concepción de la imagen y el diseño gráfico, que a la par de los magníficos intérpretes para los que han trabajado, o marcas, como Nike y Converse, terminan por entregar materiales no sólo creativos, sino inteligentes, que incluso la agencia Saatchi & Saatchi les ha reconocido.

Basados en una estética de ilustración, los dibujos que realizan cobran vida con cada beat, entre colores y tiros de cámara perfectamente planeados, que lo mismo van de los planos detalle a los planos generales con cameos espectaculares, en el caso del video Testarossa Autodrive, por ejemplo; o geniales ensambles entre dibujos animados, gráficos, colores y secuencias grabadas, siempre dejando algo al espectador, en un fuera de campo, algo que él mismo descifre al compás de la música, con camisetas animadas como instrumento, tal y como sucede con D.A.N.C.E., otro de sus materiales.

Jonas & François se sirven de momentos cotidianos para refrescar su imaginación y lograr las construcciones gráficas en atmósferas diversas, además de escuchar mucha música que los hace crear cosas pares, imaginar cada imagen con un sonido.

Estos directores suelen trabajar con los artistas como The Presets, firmados por la Ed Banger Records, que dicho sea de paso, es una de las productoras con muchas promesas musicales y bien valdría dar una pasada por su cartera musical; aunque también han realizado materiales para Madonna, Kanye West o Justin Timberlake, entre otros.

Aquí les dejamos dos grandes muestras de su talento, de proyectos interesantes, inteligentes y divertidos; el primer material realizado para Kavinsky y su track Testarossa Autodrive , y el segundo video hecho para Justice y su canción D.A.N.C.E.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mariah Carey releases album promo, pushes Madonna off dance charts...

We have been listening to it non-stop. Still, Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel is like nothing Mariah has ever release and is sonically very different. The review’ll come out soon. Meanwhile, Mariah has shoved Madonna off of the only place she does well – the Dance charts. “Obsessed” has done very well and climbed atop the dance charts becoming her 15th dance #1. This is probably because the Seamus Haji remix is on fire!

Bon Vivants: Positions Available This Very Moment

“Bon Vivants: 11 Stories and Habits of Highly Effective BVs.” Written by a well-published and widely read Bon Vivant author. Me.

#1  ”Join the bon-vivant!  You can too! It’s never about pedigree, and always about wit, drama, intrigue, good and stylish outfits and bohemian silliness…”

(and taking the summer off from blogging!)

We admit it.  We were more taken by Bon Vivant Country weekends than blogging…but we’re back.  

Here’s the first story.  Sweaty summer kids, we were invited one particular weekend by our country gentleman friend, John Favreau, to his Little Lake in Warren, Connecticut, where “How to Join the Bon Vivant Life” was encapsulated at every turn.   little marvin and I donned our best wigs, packed some BBQ chicken wings and Gatorade and set on our journey.   Above is tall little marvin on the right in the conked long straight wig and you can guess little me from the coiffed frizz, proudly rockin the hair of my people. Thankfully, the right white coif is de riguer for the country set!      

Tumbling stylishly off the train, and strutting over runway-style in the bright sunshine to John, who picked us up in his white convertible Mercedes, we hopped in and drove sportily across the rolling hillettes, directly into the pedigreed land of Connecticut estates. (hold on to those chicken wings and wigs Kidz!) 

Pointing out the estates of the rich and powerful, John said sportily, as an aside, that you don’t necessarily need good genes or a pedigree to hang with the “Manor born.” John’s own Vanity Fair-worthy story of Philadelphia society in the 80’s got us thinking if this were true.  In my own home town of Brotherly Love, John played house-boy host to this century’s most notable Bon Vivants from Nancy Brewster Grace, Henry McIlhenny to Lady Sarah Churchill, to Hope Montgomery Scott, the woman who inspired the Oscar-winning film, The Philadelphia Story and whom Vanity Fair once called “the unofficial queen of Philadelphia’s WASP oligarchy.”  John traveled the world with notable Salonist and photographer of the whole scene, Gloria Bragiotti Etting.  I recalled my favorite W. Somerset Maugham quote, ” It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”

Could it be that anybody can charm the charmed society?  Armed only with grand vision, a sense of generosity about oneself and others and seeking the best of the best?  I was inspired to explore the subject.  I am neither a Self-Help Author or Fashion Journalist but these Eleven Stories, Quotes, Anecdotes and Habits from Eleven Real Bon Vivants, from Dame Vivienne Westwood to Francine du Plessix Gray, can set you on your path to better living!

#2  Wake People up like Showy, Strutting Roosters!

We’ve arrived! Are you not happy?  Be and Welcome showy guests such as Pamela Anderson, Vivienne Westwood and Andreas Kronthaler and fun is immediately assured.  John does. He routinely hosts guests ranging a house full of photo shoot producers and models from Gradient magazine to a lively, costumed crowd at a pirate themed party attended by neighbors including Richard and John of Lambertson & Truex and Privet, their haute shop; trend spotter and paper-doll designer, David Wolfe: Author, Amanda Hallay and Painter, Pierre Hale and of course…us.

#3 “Survival of The Fittest! Nature and Society eats whatever is boring, injured, useless or dumb.” so says John.

John Favreau is a most elegant country gentleman, one who owns lots of bucolic land, cans his own home-made jam and can be equally consumed with the foxes on Wall Street or the foxes attempting to get into his home-made chicken roost.  Clearly you either eat or get eaten, and the facts of life are somehow more raw when they float just beneath a postcard pretty scene.  Nature’s thorns and thistles of life are abundant and we have the choice to corral our survival tendencies into Fear or equal ourselves to elements of Nature and moment to moment seek how to live the good life by being useful.

The Ultimate Bon Vivant is Nature herself, laughing at our Sisyphean tasks within her wilds, such as my task to be fascinated with Bon Vivants, perhaps as dumb to Nature as Fitzcarraldo’s Opera House in the Amazon and even the making of such as recently described in Werner Herzog’s obscene jungle love in Conquest of the Useless.

I pondered on this given my reading for the trip, Black Elk, The Sacred Ways of A Lakota, on the simple, multi-universe lives of Black Elk and his channupa pipe. Part of my attempt to try to be all Thoreau-like in the country hence, resulting in my best Man vs. Nature BV habit advice which is to Join The Cult of The Appreciative No Matter What or Where You Are and:

#4  When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

#5  Give Good Story.  ”The ability to be a raconteur is key,” says John.

Good Stories told by fine Dandies. Purrrr.  Everyone knows I love Dandies. Dandies are prime Bon Vivants and they notably have a story at the ready for everything. “Oh, this…?…” or “You’ll never guess what happened on my way to…”  Next to my blogger, San Francisan love, Mr. Peacock, (picture above) whence comes John.  His creature comforts all have fascinating stories behind them, ranging from his custom designed crocodile bikers bag to the huge sea turtle shell in his living room that was caught off the coast of Cuba by his Grandfather. Even little marvin and I got in the persuasive story act, trying to coo and comfort John’s caged and scared feral cats housed in his barn, where they were  being “encultured”,  ie: tamed to stay put and catch mice. (We told them about the rose of The Little Prince, the steady diet of plump mouses and John’s dandy hospitality. )   Love and the stories we tell each other do create intricate weavings of relationship! Clearly, it’s far better to be the storyteller.    Being a dandy  is a good, harmless and enriching storytelling habit for anyone, here are 3 tips to get started:
  • Be a handsome, well-groomed, gallant or flamboyant person
  • Be obsessive about refined language, facts and obscure, wearying hobbies (especially those requiring lads, Dads or gladhands to assist)
  • Be a self-made person, live a magnified style of life regardless of background
Aha! That’s so me.  I add only one perfect complimentary diamond-like habit to dandyism…an unmitigated lack of pretension.

 #6    Lose The Youth.  Hang with Elders, the wise and cultured.  

Spending leisurely time with older creative people topped by white frothy hair was another Little Lake theme (thank God we were properly topped!) Connecticut hamlets have borne famous artists and characters such as Katherine Hepburn, Bill Blass and Harriet Beecher Stowe.  The greenish hills and curvy streams wind around Warren properties hiding iconic treasures such as author, Philip Roth, who lives next door, Denis and Ann Leary up the road who are pals, How’d You Get So Rich?..Joan Rivers who cackles just around the hill and the Kissingers, who are always helicoptering in and out. Warren characters and the interweaving of our lives were in my thoughts all weekend. Even my “elders” and their connections to this Land made me ponder lineage, personal and public history. My Dad was a Connecticut boy, my mother grew up next door to Philip Roth in Newark and I’ve designed runway jewelry for several collections of the legendary Bill Blass. Just around the corner from John, lives a woman who has always inspired me as an artist among the bon vivants,Francine du Plessix Gray.  Given that both John and my design partner Kelly have both enjoyed her company and rhubarb pies I have named her a Bon Vivant of Warren and I love her quote. (of course, John makes his own home-grown rhubarb pies, thank you!)

#7 Claim intriguing genes! 

“My mother enjoyed claiming direct descent from Genghis Khan,” which gave her “…both the aristocratic pedigree and the freedom to be a barbarian.” said Francine du Plessix Gray.                

My Good Bon Vivant Story Number 2: I grew up in a simple, suburban bedroom community in South New Jersey.  It does not get more plebian than that.  ”Alex”, a good male friend was a tall, striking young man who from the 6th grade knew he was destined to be a high society coutourier and decorator. He frequently claimed he was actually from the tony Main Line of Philadelphia versus the flatlands of SJ and was fathered and mothered by vague, world traveling parents.  As they never were around his small trailer size home, who could argue?  Although no one quite believed him, that boy went on to work for a top European couturier, became a designer dressing a certain First Lady, collects rare antiques and designs the homes of A-list celebrities. No names shall be mentioned, but clearly he is an example that the best way to predict the future is to imagine it.Francine of good encultured genes made her way in the world similarly to Philip Roth, spilling all the secrets of her cafe society parents and soap opera background into her book “Them.” Her mother, Tatiana’s story is complete drama, at 19 she was a refugee from Russia, her love affair with poet Vladimir Mayakovsky resulted in his suicide after she left and her marriage to high society bon vivant Bertrand du Plessix, left her a widow when he died right after Francine’s birth. Again a refugee, her mother fled occupied France to New York with Francine and Alexander Liberman, whom she married in 1942.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alex was a noted artist and later the longtime editorial director of Vogue magazine and then of Condé Nast Publications. The Libermans were pure party people in media,art and fashion circles.  His BV advice was to preserve one’s personal life, to identify one’s instinct, and never to carry packages for people. Francine came to Connecticut when she married the painter Cleve Gray.  Content to keep the drama of suffering to her biographies of the Marquis de Sade and Simone Weil, as the New York Times said, she turned her back on the high life and instead made some great pies.                                                                                                                                     #8 ” Travel the world and pack well with the right jeans, luggage or trunks”, says Me. The Third BV Story. While studying architecture and design in Paris one summer with Parsons, at the Louvre’s Musee de les Arts Decoratif, I was taught that furniture was invented from trunks which stored a family’s world possessions.  As a family became more encultured, trunks became chests, armoires, beds and tables. Likewise, John knows the value of being Trunk Savvy.  His property grows tree trunks galore and he enacts a Man vs. Nature scenario for errant beavers chewing his tree trunks. Vilbrequin swim trunks are de-riguer for his easy Jude Law-in-Como dives into his own lake filled with bass, catfish, frogs and snapping turtles and the man has more Goyard trunks than Barney’s. Travel and Pack Well Indeed.          

“Living proof that charm and experience will always matter more than Money”, thus ran the headline of David Patrick Columbia’s piece for Quest magazine on Philadelphia socialite Gloria Etting.

John Favreau earned his pedigree as a cook, party planner, entertainer and travel companion for art-world esthetes, Gloria Braggiotti Etting and her artist husband Emlen. He cut his teeth as Nancy Brewster-Grace’s house boy and then went on to plan parties and travel with Gloria.  Nancy entertained Red Grooms, Henry Mcilhenney, his sister Bonnie Winterstein, Peggy and George Cheston, artists, architects, designers and literary types (Sir Stephen Spender, Arthur Clarke, Robert Venturi, etc.)  Gloria’s Italian-Boston theatrical family background featured growing up with the Cushing sisters who became Babe Paley, Betsey Roosevelt and Minnie Astor by way of marriage, and her fashion editor position at The New York Post were only part of her pedigree as per The Philadelphia Museum of Art as the consumate salon hostess. Gloria’s bohemian and aristocratic past made her noted for antics like putting anatomically correct ancient Etruscan statuettes on the dining table for shock and conversation value.  (John notes, ” On the same vein,it was Hope Scott who had a medieval chastity belt, which used to make Walter Annenberg laugh riotously!!)

She voraciously traveled and photographed her friends, Henry Mcllhenny, Claudette Colbert, Truman Capote, Perry Rathbone, Isamu Noguchi, Isek Dineson, Jacques Tati, Tennessee Williams, Buckminster Fuller, Alexander Calder, Elizabeth Taylor, George Balanchine, Salvatore Dali and Gala, Picasso, Jackie O, Maxime de la Falaise and Martha Graham. The Philadelphia press wrote of Gloria after her passing, that she was one “who gathered friends with the kind of passion others have for collecting stamps, art or butterflies.”

John. Write this book!

#9  Utilize costumes!


 “Don’t come as you are, but as you want to be,”proclaims famed Philadelphia jeweler, party thrower, Henri David. The Other Philadelphia Story #4. On the other side of the tracks in Philadelphia, while the pedigreed enjoyed antiquity porn, my mother was attending her friend, gay jeweler,Henri David’s annual Halloween parties, which have drawn people from every strata and fauna of society for over 30 years.  John relates that he once went to one of Henri David’s parties as a highway, all in black with a white stripe down the middle and matchbox cars sewn up and down the sides of the road, and a strategically placed Yield sign.

In honor of John’s costume and crossing the tracks and highways of social boundaries, the rest of these tips are shallowly slave to how mere fashion and affectations can deliver one to the right circles.      

#10  ”Own, Display and Wear Tribal Symbols Brightly and Irreverently…never, ever wear them in tribes though,” says Me,  “Pick a country or street club trademark…like Plaids, Monograms or Gang Bandanas…just rock it smartly and incessantly!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

little marvin, Jade and John sartorially Cavort in Connecticut

My room at John’s was the perfect mix of “Tribal Symbols.” Both the Call of the Wild and the Call of the Cultured surrounded me, from the lush sand colored kangaroo skin bedspread to the Pierre Hale hand-painted ceiling border with Nina Simone lyrics running the circumference…”It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day. It’s a new life, for me, And I’m feeling good.”

On an elegant side table was a signed copy of Gloria’s sleek little photography book of high society and artists from the 1970 and 80’s on top of a signed copy of a huge coffee table book for the color and history addicted fashion slaves called “Tartan, Romancing The Plaid.”  

Tartans, whale print pants and feather boas, Medieval chastity belts and flowing fine wine …tribes, tribal symbols and people are always best mixed. 

If you want expert advice on how to wear tartan, see Mr. Peacock’s recent post here.

They say the word “tartan” comes from the French word, “tirer” translating “to pull”, but I hear the etymology of tartan in the word “tantra” in Sanskrit, which means “to weave.” Most people associate the word tantra just with sexual practices, in which weaving certainly is required, however it actually refers to a universal weaving of desire, energies, elements and people.  Perhaps this is a key root to the symbolism of tartan and its visual tribal metaphor for “belonging” whether it is society or a rejection of society.  It always reads passion and a rich expression.

Jeffrey Banks, the author of Tartan, Romancing The Plaid, writes, ”But tartan is more than a design, it is a sign; and while it signifies kinship (real or imagined), country, and celebration of the Scots, its subtext is dignity, distinctiveness and a sense of belonging- qualities that possess universal appeal.”   

Philadelphia Number Story #5.  Reading Jeffrey’s book, I recalled my own first odd meeting of plaid and world views at my Jewish father’s children’s clothing store, where he would outfit the Catholic parochial school children in their tartan uniforms. I watched from afar in my chic Petit Bateau T and Dittos hipster jeans while the Catholic children had the odd mixed face of trying to look excited about their new unsightly uniform while pain and confusion darted beneath their eyes.  I suppose this memory did much to cement my ideas of personal style and the passion for the bon vivant life.

#10  When it Rains, it Pours! When life gets grey, boring and stale, the bon vivants invent!   The tartan book’s forward is by Rose Marie Bravo, who saw gold in the plaid lining of another of my favorite timeless icons of The Bon Vivant, trench coats and raincoats when she re-mastered the dowdy English brand, Burberry.  From this famous plaid conquering the world, the expression,“Doing a Burberry”, stands for turning and re-birthing the traditional into a trend and icon status.

Years ago, John lent me another fascinating book, The Essence of Style: How the French Invented High Fashion, Fine Food, Chic Cafes, Style, Sophistication, and Glamour. Did you know that umbrellas were invented by Louis XVI, whose Midas-focused eyes were in hot pursuit of the 24-7 bon vivant life and as a result gave us full-length mirrors, cafe lighting, champagne and gourmet cuisine?

Gaultier and Rhianna are two modern icons who can also suddenly wake you up with plaid and unexpected style and vision.

                                                             # 11 “Re: The Total Look? Claim one color for hair and body wear like icons, Westwood, Shiaparelli, Christo or Vreeland or wear a tribal symbol like a bandana…all the damn time.”                                                                                   Dame Vivienne Westwood gives good arrivals and is one of the best examples of a Bon Vivant.  Westwood orange follows Vreeland red follows Shiparelli pink. Her husband, Andreas Kronthaler follows gang bandanas, follows Malcolm McLaren and they all follow tribal mash-ups to supreme effect. #11 A.  Reference Nature and Eastern Mysticism Often.                            

Madonna, The Beatles, Rasputin, Marquis de Sade, Mata Hari, James Bond, Sarah Palin, Madame Blavatsky, all Bon Vivant seducers whose sultry mix of the sacred and profane references hit the spot.  Try these Bon Vivant requirements on for size courtesy of the above characters, a quirky historic account of the mysterious Madame Blavatsky, Robert Greene’s book, The Art of Seduction and my own inventions.

  • Escape, claim or disdain your royal, exotic or mundane roots
  • Walk with Royal carriage or at least employ car service
  • Use make-up or facial expressions to make Eyes like Helena Blavatsky, who had ” large, luminous blue eyes whose strange spiritual expression fascinated all who came within her influence”
  • Reference immortal experience to create an age uncertain 
  • Utter prophetic and seductive visions at uncanny times
  • Gather a curious mixed set of literary and artistic friends, Bohemians, visionaries, cranks and an occasional practical thinker from Wall street or the colleges
  • Be a conversationalist of rare magnetic power  
  • Like Helena, be “an accomplished linguist, as most Russians are, “she spoke French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Hindostanee and several Arabic dialects with east and fluency”
  • Display a deep knowledge of the ancient and modern literature and philosophy of many lands
  • Enjoy robust dinners washed down by good wine
  • Cultivate odd, disarming wee habits, so as to humanize and have others feel superior over you, such as feigned incongruous insecurities or smoking Turkish cigarettes of a peculiar and excellent quality
  • Never be a Bore

Upon being myself, a self-proclaimed well-known Author, I am a student of Mysteries, Tibetan Tantric Black Hat Sect Feng Shui and Eastern Sciences since the tender age of 16, I offer my spiritual bon mots, enthusiastic wine drinking and enjoyment of fine foods to the Hosts and Hostesses of the World.  As proof of my powers, I offer this image of Neith, Egyptian Goddess of Weaving, Water and War. It’s so very Me…right?

Here is the reading from the I Ching, The Chinese Book of Changes, I pulled before we set sail for Little Lake…it will astonish and seduce you to its ancient Nature-based wisdom.

Today in I Ching Astrology, the Lake trigram rules the roost. Sometimes known as the Lake, this Star is called the 7 Lake Star and is owned by the fun loving and courteous Youngest Daughter in the I Ching family. Today her chi will pervade all the Stars differently during this 8 Mountain month.                                                                                             

One of the best activities today is to chill out! Also to reflect. Take time to meditate quietly about the week ahead for you. No real action, simply enjoy and take it easy.

This Star also belongs to the west. Here when the image of sunset comes into play it can mean to party, be with friends and family and let your hair down. The youngest daughter has few responsibilities in the family and she knows how to entertain. (from Jon Sandifer’s blog  )

Kind of apt that this actually rules September 2009 as well.

…and finally, the last words on The Bon Vivant Life, Nature, the Sunset of Summer Weekends, and The Curious Sisyphan task of Blogging?  Go Nina Simone…with the best advice yet.

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin on by you know how I feel
It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[日本][有碼][中文字幕] (Madonna)上京母 真波紫乃 [KS/RS/hf/uG/SO/FB][免空分流]

【影片原名】︰上京母 真波紫乃
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Madonna Celebration 2009






Monday, September 21, 2009

Zé Meyer e a pauta do Fantástico

O ator global, José Meyer, mal estreou na novela das oito, Viver a Vida, e já começou a ficar falado na rede.

O fato se deu no Twitter, com um comentário feito por um dos usuários sobre sua fama com a mulherada e por ter beijado tantas belas atrizes na TV.

Por conta desse comentário do tipo “queria ser como Zé Meyer que já pegou tanta mulher bonita” e de diversos outros que seguiram, foi que o nome do ator ficou no topo da lista de palavras mais comentados do Twitter, o que o levou para a TV em matéria do Fantástico deste domingo (20/09).

Na matéria, Zé Meyer pôde dar seu parecer sobre o sucesso que faz como galã de novela e várias pessoas, em uma enquete, puderam opinar sobre a beleza e o talento do ator.

Podemos dizer que Meyer foi assunto do Fantástico não somente pelo sucesso que faz ou pelo charme que atrai tantas mulheres, mas, principalmente, pela qualidade dos profissionais capacitados da Globo que perceberam o assunto mais comentado no meio virtual a fim de produzir uma matéria para a revista eletrônica de todos os domingo que chamasse a atenção ou talvez até desse um certa audiência para a emissora. Foi o mesmo que ocorreu com o quadro ‘Verdade ou Mentira’ sobre os vídeos que rodam pela internet (Youtube), como o do ET do Panamá.

O Fantástico ainda mostrou outros vídeos top, como foi o caso do clipe da Madonna, ‘Celebration Fan Version’, em que ela aparece com vários fãs. Esse vídeo estava na lista dos mais assistidos do Youtube deste sábado (19/09).

Essa é a nova tendência da Comunicação em geral e mais uma vantagem para os especialistas de SEO e para os que buscam esse tipo de conhecimento.


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Monte a capa de "Celebration" com o seu rosto!

Para divulgar a coletânea de hits “Celebration” – que chega às lojas essa semana – foi lançado o Celebrate Yourself. A ferramenta do hot site permite que os fãs façam montagens com suas fotos na capa do novo CD para colocarem no avatar do Orkut, Facebook etc. E com direito a um pincelzinho especial para fazer o detalhe da maquiagem na boca e nos olhos. Modernidade é o futuro.

Para exemplificar, eu tomei a liberdade de fazer montagens com o rosto dos blogueiros que vos falam.

Ficou lindo, não?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Comericais inesquecíveis-BMW M5 X Madonna

Em 2001, a BMW inovou no mode de  fazer propaganda de seus carros. Chamou os diretores de cinema da época e fez uma série de filmes. A campanha foi, talvez, a primeira feita inteiramente para a internet. Os vídeos estavm disponíveis somente em um site da marca.

O sucesso foi tanto que correu o mundo e ganhou diversos prêmios. O filme de hoje foi feito por Guy Ritchie (Snatch – Porcos e Diamantes) que na ocasião era casado com  a pop star Madonna. E é justamente ela a personagem principal do filme. O modelo usado foi o esportivo BMW M5 .

A história é a seguinte. A catora faz papel dela mesma. No filme ela é estouranda e arrogante. Vive xingando os seus empregados e os tratando mal. É esnobe e para não ter contato com os fãns dispensa seus guarda- costas e sai para um evento com  a mídia em um BMW M5 com motorista (interpretado por Clive Owen).

Durante o trajeto ela começa a reclamar da lentidão do motorista, que resolve tomar uma atitude. O resultado é simplesmente fantástico. Não faltaram cavalos de pau e manobras ousadas para mostrar as qualidades do M5

Madonna & Nicki Richards in Billboard's Hot Dance/Club chart!

Madonna’s latest single “Celebration” is currently #1 in Billboard’s Hot Dance/Club song chart, but there’s also another amazingly talented and gorgeous lady in the charts this week and that is Nicki Richards at #13 with “Why you wanna hurt me so bad?”.

Madonna & Nicki Richards rocked Europe this summer

You can also see the video of the Tony Moran – Warren Rigg Booty Shakin’ Anthem Remix, featuring Jason Young here! Check out the Billboard charts! Keep bringing Nicki and Madonna to the top!! =)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


IN FIERA VERONA MADONNA CON HITLER BAMBINO, POLEMICA venerdì 18 settembre 2009 11:58 E’ polemica a Verona dove, nel corso della rassegna ArtVerona, ha fatto la sua comparsa un Adolf Hitler bambino e in divisa tra le braccia di una Madonna stile Raffaello. Il dipinto, opera di Giuseppe Veneziano, e’ stato presentato da una galleria nel corso di ArtVerona e ha suscitato le critiche sia della comunita’ ebraica che della Curia. Da parte sua l’artista ha spiegato che e’ un lavoro che nasce dalla crisi religiosa che caratterizza l’epoca attuale, sostenendo che ”resta il fatto che anche Hitler era figlio di Dio e che il mostro e’ potenzialmente in tutti noi”.   Verona. Madonna con in braccio Hitler

Tosi: «Dipendesse da me la farei coprire»    

VERONA (18 settembre) – Hitler bambino, in miniatura, ma iconograficamente identico a quello che la storia ricorda, è raffigurato in braccio ad una madonna sullo stile di Raffaello. È questa l’opera di Giuseppe Veneziano che ha scatenato una bufera alla Fiera di Verona.

Il dipinto è stato presentato da una galleria nel corso di ArtVerona e ha suscitato le critiche sia della comunità ebraica che della Curia, che non esclude la provocazione e parla di un lavoro che merita solo «il disinteresse e il silenzio».

Eppure l’arte, quella con la “A” maiuscola, dovrebbe essere il contenitore per eccellenza delle provocazioni, del non politically correct. A dimostrarlo le opere che hanno preceduto quella di Veneziano: basti pensare alla statua di Hitler inginocchiato in preghiera del veneto Maurizio Cattelan. Insomma, dal punto di vista dell’originalità, il pittore esposto (per altro solito a dipinti di questo tipo e già uso a dipingere Hitler in tutte le salse) non ha detto nulla di nuovo. Nonostante questo l’associazione della Vergine Maria e del Führer ha fatto venire i brividi sulla schiena a molti spettatori della mostra.

Non solo, per criticare duramente Veneziano è scesa in campo non solo la Curia, ma anche sono la comunità ebraica della città con le parole del rabbino capo che ha definito l’opera «blasfema».

La spiegazione dell’artista è stata semplice: Hitler, come tutti gli esseri umani, era figlio di Dio, da ciò se ne deduce che, se Hitler è il simbolo del male, del mostro, allora il mostro è potenzialmente in ogni uomo, in ognuno di noi.

Il sindaco Tosi: «Se fosse per me farei coprire l’opera». Il quadro di Veneziano fa inorridire Flavio Tosi, sindaco leghista della città: «È un’opera chiaramente blasfema, in quel quadro non c’è niente di artistico e di bello: se dipendesse da me, farei coprire quel dipinto», ha detto stamane Tosi.

«In questo modo l’autore – ha aggiunto – ha esattamente ottenuto il risultato che si era prefissato, cercando provocatoriamente pubblicità proprio attraverso l’offesa alla religione cristiana. Chi ha organizzato la manifestazione, un privato, non la Fiera di Verona, non avrebbe dovuto permettere l’esposizione dell’opera».

«Non so – ha concluso il sindaco – se il suo inserimento nella mostra sia dovuto a un mancato controllo preventivo o a un errore madornale. Il Comune, comunque, ha semplicemente dato il suo patrocinio a questa manifestazione come a tutte le altre ospitate in Fiera e non ha alcuna possibilità di fare da filtro».

Il direttore artistico: «Non è automaticamente blasfema». Si schiera dalla parte dell’arte e, nel contempo, mette i puntini sulle “i” il direttore artistico di ArtVerona Massimo Simonetti: «Non è nostro ruolo ritirare un’opera e prendere posizione su ciò che i galleristi e artisti presentano, non ritenendo automaticamente blasfema e quindi condannabile ogni tipo di espressione che contenga simboli religiosi o politici».

Dipinto acquistato e fatto sparire. Il quadro di Veneziano è stato acquistato da un anonimo collezionista, che l’ha portato subito via. Ne hanno dato notizia gli stessi organizzatori della rassegna fieristica dedicata all’arte contemporanea.



Madonna con Hitler, gallerista compra

il quadro dello scandalo La tela del pittore Veneziano ad ArtVerona non c’è più: è stata venduta per diciottomila euro     Hitler in braccio alla Madonna

La comunità ebraica insorge  

    Ma per il rabbino capo di Verona, Crescenzo Piattelli, sarebbe sbagliato liquidare l’opera come mera provoca­zione. «È blasfema – afferma – e offende profondamente i cristiani, ma anche gli ebrei visto l’impiego che se ne fa dell’immagine di Hitler». Ma la colpa, secondo il mas­simo rappresentante della comunità ebraica scaligera, non è solo dell’artista. «Mi stupisco che gli organizzato­ri della Fiera consentano l’esposizione di un quadro del genere – conclude Piattel­li – dovrebbero pre-filtrare le opere, togliendo quelle of­fensive per il pubblico».–1601782051868.shtml?fr=correlati  

    Subito venduta la Madonna choc con Hitler in braccio   

| Cultura | Pubblicato il giorno: 19/09/09 Polemiche a Verona «Anche Hitler era figlio di Dio e il mostro è potenzialmente in tutti noi». Ecco come il pittore Giuseppe Veneziano ha spiegato la sua decisione di dipingere un quadro (nella foto a destra) che ritrae il Führer bambino in braccio a una Madonna simile a quelle dipinte da Raffaello, soprattutto la “Piccola Madonna Cowper” del 1505 conservata alla National Gallery of Art di Washington. 

La “Madonna del Terzo Reich”, esposta ieri in una galleria all’interno della fiera “ArtVerona”, sarebbe ispirata alla crisi religiosa dei nostri tempi, e ha dato vita a uno scandalo che ha portato fortuna all’autore. In serata, infatti, il dipinto era già stato venduto a un collezionista che ha preferito rimanere anonimo e ha portato immediatamente via la tela in modo da disinnescare le polemiche. 

La giornata si era aperta con le dichiarazioni di fuoco del rabbino di Verona, Crescenzo Piattelli, che aveva dichiarato al Corriere del Veneto di considerare l’opera «blasfema». «Offende profondamente i cristiani», aveva aggiunto, «ma anche gli ebrei visto l’impiego che si fa dell’immagine di Hitler». Mentre la Curia aveva chiesto di circondare il quadro di «disinteresse e silenzio» e il sindaco Flavio Tosi attaccava: «Se dipendesse da me, farei coprire quel dipinto. L’autore ha esattamente ottenuto il risultato che si era prefisso, cercando provocatoriamente pubblicità proprio attraverso l’offesa alla religione cristiana». 

In difesa di Veneziano era sceso in campo il critico Ivan Quaroni, che aveva spiegato sempre al Corriere del Veneto come «l’iconografia nazista è sempre stata usata e lo sarà ancora, proprio perché disturba. In quanto simbolo assoluto del Male, crea un forte stridore con ciò che rappresenta il suo opposto. Ma non credo che sia una tela offensiva: il suo valore sta nella sensazione di spaesamento che crea questo accostamento tra due opposti». 

Dalla parte dell’artista anche Massimo Simonetti, direttore artistico della manifestazione, perché «non è il nostro ruolo ritirare un’opera e prendere posizione su ciò che artisti e galleristi presentano, non ritenendo automaticamente blasfema e quindi condannabile ogni tipo di espressione che contenga simboli religiosi o politici». 

Veneziano non è nuovo a queste provocazioni. Anni fa fece scandalo dipingendo una Madonna con ai suoi piedi due supereroi al posto di San Giovanni e di Gesù, e raffigurando un’orgia che aveva come protagonisti Berlusconi, Mussolini e Hitler. 

È già successo che l’uso di simboli nazisti susciti forti critiche. Negli anni passati, per esempio, grandi polemiche avevano accompagnato anche le fioriere a forma di svastica di Giovanni Morbin e l’Hitler inginocchiato in preghiera di Maurizio Cattelan.                                         


En el video musical, dirigido por Jean-Baptiste Mondino, podemos ver a Madonna, a sus bailarines (ésta sería la primera colaboración con Jamie King, quien luego se encargaría de las coreografías de las giras Drowned World Tour, Re-Invention Tour y Confessions Tour) y su perrita chihuahua: Chiquita, vestidos con ropa muy ajustada en vinilo negro. La vestimenta tiene algunos detalles del sado-masoquismo, además de que los calzados de todos los bailarines y de Madonna se ven “muy grandes”. Fue filmado durante los días 6-7 de mayo de 1995 en los Raleigh Studios de Hollywood, California. El video está inspirado por la editorial de moda Mondino incluyendo a la supermodelo Nadja Auermann.

Los bailarines aparecen usando unos largos guantes negros, con los ojos vendados con antifaces. En varias escenas Madonna pretende mostrar la censura, como en la escena inicial donde aparece con las manos y los pies atados a una silla o en la escena en la que realiza una coreografía con un juego de cuerdas, o la simulación de una tortura sexual a un bailarin. Al final del video, la música se corta y Madonna aprovecha para decir su mensaje: “absolutely not regrets” reafirmando su punto de vista. Este video fue nominado a dos premios MTV Video Music Awards en las categorías Best Dance Video y Best Coreography. También fue incluido en el segundo compilado de videos de Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99.

En el año 2008, Britney Spears grabó un video para esta canción, el cual Madonna utilizó en su gira Sticky & Sweet Tour. El video fue recibido con elogios, tras haber sido anticipado como “una ojeada a una Britney que nadie jamás vio”.

Créditos del video

Director: Jean-Baptiste Mondino

Productor: Anita Wetterstedt

Director de Fotografía: Harris Savides

Editor: Robert Duffy

Compañía Productora: Palomar Pictures Inc.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Resistance = Unresistable

Gemessen an der Größe meines Plattenschranks gibt es auf diesem Blog sehr wenig über Musik zu lesen. Aber letzte Woche ist wieder ein Album herausgekommen, dass es absolut verdient, an dieser Stelle belobhudelt zu werden. Auch wenn Tamara und Simon da anderer Meinung sind…

Die Rede ist vom neuen Muse-Album “The Resistance”. Zu Muse sei zunächst einmal gesagt: Die Stimme des Sängers Matt Bellamy polarisiert sehr stark, und wenn jemand sich dieses “Gejaule” nicht antun kann ist das absolut legitim. Wenn man sich daran gewöhnt hat und den Gesang mag (so wie ich) eröffnet sich hier in 54 Minuten ein ganzes Universum.

Muse waren schon immer großartig, und bereits beim Vorgängeralbum “Black Holes And Revelations” habe ich beim Erscheinen gedacht “Jetzt haben sie ihr Opus Magnum erschaffen”. Von wegen!

Das neue Album beginnt mit einem kompakten Shuffle-Ohrwurm, der ersten Single “Uprising” (übrigens mit sehr nettem Video, siehe unten). Schon hier gibt es Muse-typische bombastische Harmonien. Nach dem überaus starken Titeltrack kommt eine ganz besondere Perle: “Undisclosed Desires”. Getragen von einem Samplebeat und Pizz-Strings à la “Die Another Day” (Madonna) in viel besser ist dieser Song ein Hybrid aus elektronischen Spielereien und Ballade, und diese abenteuerliche Mischung funktioniert unglaublich gut.

Das seichte Intro von “United States Of Eurasia” gibt nur kurz Zeit zum Durchatmen, bevor ein Queen-Chor den Song nach vorne treibt und ein Klavier/Streicherthema in irgendeiner variierten Phrygisch-Dur-Tonleiter die Kinnlade des unvorbereiteten Hörers vor lauter Schönheit zu Boden fallen lässt. Noch im selben Lied wird dann die Nocturne op.9 von Chopin verwurstelt, total gut!

Es folgen drei weitere, überdurchschnittlich gute Titel, die sich wiederum durch großartige Harmonien und klasse Refrains auszeichnen, bevor ein ganz besonderer Track kommt: “I Belong To You (+Mon Coeur S’Ouvre A Ta Voix)”, Ein grooviger Klaviersong (ja, so was kanns geben^^). Eigentlich sollte man ein astreines Liebeslied erwarten, stattdessen hört man eine groteske Liebeslied-Parodie mit herrlicher Selbstironie. Der auf französisch gesungene Mittelteil stammt ursprünglich aus Camille Saint-Saëns’ Oper Samson und Delilah, und spätestens beim darauf folgenden Klarinettensolo sollte der letzte kapiert haben, wie dieses Lied aufzufassen ist. Herrlich lächerlich!!

Wenn im Vorfeld über die neue Muse-Platte berichtet wurde, gab es immer Verweise auf ein viertelstündiges Orchesterwerk. Aufgeteilt in 3 Tracks, schließt die Exogenisis Symphony das Album ab. Hier brauchten selbst meine Prog-erprobten Ohren ein paar Durchläufe, bevor ich das Werk begriffen hatte. Seitdem denke ich, dass das frenetische Lob mancher Amazon-Rezensenten auf diese Suite absolut gerechtfertigt ist, es handelt sich wirklich um das allerbeste Orchester/Band-Werk dass sich in meinem Plattenschrank befindet.

Dank meinem Hang zu Special Editions habe ich auch die dazugehörige Bonus-DVD, die den Aufnahmeprozess der einzelnen Tracks dokumentiert. Für Musiker interessant, und sicher eine der besseren Bonus-DVDs in meiner Sammlung.

Fazit: Ich habe “The Resistance” mit hohen Erwartungen gekauft, die dann um Längen übertroffen wurden! Definitiv neben der neuen Dream Theater eine der besten Scheiben des Jahres, und ich glaube, dass dieses Album das Potenzial hat, später als einer DER Klassiker des Jahrzehnts angesehen zu werden.

Ach ja, und über das extrem gut gemachte Cover-Artwork habe ich jetzt kein einziges Wort verloren…

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Video de Celebration com os fans!

Você deve se lembrar que o vídeo de Celebration iria contar com a presença dos fans da Madonna, não é mesmo?

Após ter sido divulgado o vídeo  Celebration sem os fans, os comentários foram gerais. Será que este é o vídeo oficial, mas cadê os fans?

Eis que finalmente, sai o tão esperado vídeo com a participação dos fans.  e de Lola vestida como a momy em Like a Virgin (84), dançando e cantando. So cute!

Vejam então o tão esperado vídeo de celebration gravado com os fans de Barcelona e Milão durante a turnê Stick & Sweet em 2009:

De bônus, um presente todo especial, um duelo entre Madonna e Lady Gaga por Robin Skouteris Remixes. Vejam abaixo:

Let’s Celebrate…

Leonardo Portela

VAZOU: Revolver - Madonna ft. Lil' Wayne

A pouco tempo vazou um trecho de REVOLVER, música inédita da Madonna que compõe as faixas de sua coletânea de greatest hits e conta com a participação de Lil’ Wayne.

A música que surgiu na íntegra estava na voz de uma outra cantora. O link aqui disponibilizado é a música completa e adivinha? Na voz da Madonna. A música produzida por Frankie J é…

…eu não ouvi ainda!


Por falar em Madonna como anunciado anteriormente uma segunda versão do vídeo de “Celebration” seria lançada e a estréia oficial acontecerá amanhã. O novo vídeo contém imagens feitas em Milão e Barcelona durante a Tour Sticky & Sweet e segundo rumores contará novamente com a presença de Lola agora vestida de… Like A Virgin? Comenta-se que não será a versão normal e sim um novo remix.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homenaje a MJ de Janet y Madonna en los VMA 2009


En los premios de VMA 2009 (Madrugada Domingo-Lunes), se rindió homenaje a Michael Jackson. La gala comenzó con algunas palabras de Madonna hacia el Rey del Pop y se realizaron algunos bailes ( Thriller o Scream). Éste último fue interpretado por su hermana Janet.


Michael Jackson nacio en Agosto de 1958, yo tambien. Michael Jackson crecio en los suburbios del medio oeste, yo tambien. Michael tenia 8 hermanos, yo tambien. Cuando Michael tenia 6 se convirtio en una superestrella y el niño mas amado del mundo. Cuando yo tenia 6, perdi a mi madre. Creo que el la tuvo peor ,porque yo nunca tuve una madre, pero él nunca tuvo infancia. Y cuando no consigues tener algo, te obsesionas con eso. Yo me pasé mi infancia buscando figuras maternas. Algunas veces tuve éxito, pero, cómo recreas tu infancia cuando estás bajo la lupa del mundo?

No hay duda que Michael era uno de los mejores talentos que el mundo haya visto jamas. Cuando cantaba a los 8 años, parecia un adulto y te apretaba el corazon con sus palabras. La manera en que se movia contenia la elegancia de Fred Astaire y la fuerza de Muhammed ali. Su musica tenia una capa extra de inexplicable magia, que no solo te hacia bailar, sino que parecia podias volar, soñar, ser todo lo que deseabas ser. Eso es lo que hacen los heroes, y el lo era.

Actuo en estadios alrededor del mundo, vendio cientos de millones de discos, se codeo con primeros ministros y presidentes, las chicas y los chicos se enamoraban de el, querian bailar como el, parecia de otro mundo, pero era humano. Como muchos artistas, estaba plagado con timidez e inseguridades.

No fuimos grandes amigos, pero en 1991, decidi que queria conocerlo mejor, y lo invite a cenar, le dije YO PAGO, YO MANEJO, SOLO VOS Y YO. El acepto y vino a mi casa sin guardaespaldas, fuimos al restoran en mi auto, estaba oscuro, pero el tenia aun sus anteojos. Le dije MICHAEL, PARECE QUE LE ESTOY HABLANDO A UNA LIMOUSINA, PODES QUITARTE LAS GAFAS ASI PUEDO VER TUS OJOS. Hizo una pausa, tiro los anteojos por la ventana , me guiño un ojo y sonrio ME PODES VER AHORA, ESTA MEJOR?

En ese momento pude ver su vulnerabilidad y su encanto. Durante la cena intente que comiera frituras, beba vino , comiera postre y maldijera, pero el nunca se permitia hacer tales cosas. Luego, fuimos a mi casa a ver una pelicula, y nos sentamos en un sillon como dos niños. En algun momento , tomo mi mano, y me di cuenta que el buscaba un amigo, mas que un romance. Me gusto ser yo quien provocara eso en el.En ese momento, lo senti como una persona, no como una superestrella. Salimos un par de veces mas, y luego por alguna razon, perdimos contacto. Luego, la caceria de brujas comenzo, y parecia ser que historias negativas, tras historias negativas aparecian sobre el. Sentia su pena.Se lo que se siente caminar por la calle y que todos esten contra tuyo. Se lo que se siente sentirse indefenso y pensar que la voz de la muchedumbre es tan fuerte, que tu propia voz nunca podra ser escuchada.

Pero yo tuve una niñez y permisos para equivocarme, y buscar mi camino en un mundo sin flashes. Cuando me entere que Michael habia muerto estaba en LONDRES, a dias de empezar mi tour, en el mismo lugar donde el tocaria despues. Todo lo que pude pensar es que lo habia abandonado. LO habiamos abandonado. Que habiamos permitido que esta criature tan magnifica que alguna vez prendio fuego al mundo, se escurriera por las grietas. Mientras el construia su familia y recobraba su carrera, todos estabamos muy ocupados juzgando. Le dimos la espalda.

En un intento desesperado de no olvidarlo, fui a Internet a mirar clips de el bailando y cantando y pense DIOS, ERA TAN UNICO, TAN ORIGINAL, TAN RARO. Y NUNCA VA A HABER ALGUIEN COMO EL, NUNCA MAS. Era un rey. Pero tambien era un humano, y como todos los humanos, a veces tenemos que perder las cosas para realmente valorarlas. Quiero terminar esto de manera positiva , mis hijos de 9 y 4, estan obsecionados con michael. Hay mucho agarre de entrepierna y moonwalks en mi casa, y parece que hay una nueva generacion de chicos descubriendo al genio, y trayendolo a la vida nuevamente. Espero que donde este, este sonriendo por eso.

Si, Michael era humano, pero carajo, era el rey. LARGA VIDA AL REY

*Traducido por Rockin Robin para

Para la descarga de ambos videos:

Billboard's review of Madonna's chart success


‘Celebration’: Madonna’s 40 Most Impressive Instants

by Gary Trust|September 15, 2009 12:02 EDT

Today’s Chart Beat entry focuses solely on Madonna, who reaches a milestone in her legendary Billboard chart career. Spotlighting another artist in light of Madonna’s latest feat would be, simply, immaterial.

TAKE A BOW: 26 years to the chart week after notching her first No. 1 on Dance/Club Play Songs, Madonna rules for a 40th time, rising 2-1 with “Celebration.” She easily extends her lead for most No. 1s in the chart’s history, pulling further ahead of runner-up Janet Jackson, who has 18.

Madonna first appeared on the tally with “Everybody” on the chart dated Nov. 6, 1982, eventually taking the cut to No. 3. Her follow-up, “Burning Up/Physical Attraction” (counted as one title in Billboard’s archives), also reached No. 3.

The third time was the charm for Madonna, as the double-sided “Holiday/Lucky Star” marked her first No. 1 stay beginning Sept. 24, 1983.

Here, in chronological order, are Madonna’s 40 No. 1s on Dance/Club Play Songs. For titles that spent multiple weeks at No. 1, total frames in the lead are noted in parentheses.

1983, “Holiday/Lucky Star” (five weeks)

1984, “Like a Virgin” (three weeks)

1985, “Material Girl”

1985, “Angel/Into the Groove”

1987, “Open Your Heart”

1987, “Causing a Commotion (Remix)”

1988, “You Can Dance (LP Cuts)”

1989, “Like a Prayer” (two weeks)

1989, “Express Yourself” (three weeks)

1990, “Keep It Together”

1990, “Vogue” (two weeks)

1991, “Justify My Love” (two weeks)

1992, “Erotica”

1993, “Deeper and Deeper”

1993, “Fever”

1994, “Secret” (two weeks)

1995, “Bedtime Story”

1997, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina”

1998, “Frozen” (two weeks)

1998, “Ray of Light” (four weeks)

1999, “Nothing Really Matters” (two weeks)

1999, “Beautiful Stranger” (two weeks)

2000, “American Pie”

2000, “Music” (five weeks)

2001, “Don’t Tell Me”

2001, “What It Feels Like for a Girl”

2001, “Impressive Instant” (two weeks)

2002, “Die Another Day” (two weeks)

2003, “American Life”

2003, “Hollywood”

2003, “Me Against the Music,” Britney Spears featuring Madonna (two weeks)

2004, “Nothing Fails”

2004, “Love Profusion”

2005, “Hung Up” (four weeks)

2006, “Sorry” (two weeks)

2006, “Get Together”

2006, “Jump” (two weeks)

2008, “4 Minutes,” Madonna featuring Justin Timberlake & Timbaland (two weeks)

2008, “Give It 2 Me”

2009, “Celebration”

Comparing her chart champs by decade, Madonna scored nine Dance/Club Songs No. 1s in the ’80s and 13 in the ’90s. Since 2000, she has almost doubled her total, adding 18 No. 1s in that span.

At five weeks each, “Holiday/Lucky Star” and “Music” represent Madonna’s longest reigns. “Ray of Light” and “Hung Up” are next with four weeks each in charge.

GET TOGETHER: Perhaps the cowboy hat Madonna wore on the cover of her 2000 album “Music” was a foreshadowing of this week’s accomplishment. Madonna joins only two other artists in the history of Billboard charts to collect 40 No. 1s on a survey. The prior two each managed the feat on Country Songs.

Between 1968 and 1986, Conway Twitty sent 40 songs to the top of Country Songs. He first led with “Next in Line” and last reigned with “Desperado Love.”

George Strait joined the exclusive 40-No. 1s club when “She Let Herself Go” reached the top of Country Songs in January 2006. He had first held sway with “Fool Hearted Memory” in 1982. He passed Twitty with “Give It Away,” his 41st No. 1, in September 2006.

Strait holds the mark for most No. 1s on a Billboard chart. His sum stands at 44, with “River of Love” having become his latest leader in April. He could add a 45th topper as soon as next week: “Living for the Night” holds at No. 2 with a bullet this week.

(While Madonna Louise Ciccone has never appeared on Country Songs, another Madonna has. Madonna Dolan rose to No. 82 with “The Home Team” in 1988).

DEEPER AND DEEPER: If we include Madonna’s No. 1s on other current-based, domestic Billboard charts, her chart-topping total swells to a colossal 146 leading entries.

By format, here are Madonna’s No. 1 sums on the following lists:

Dance/Club Play Songs: 40

Hot Dance Singles Sales: 33 (Last week, “Celebration” crowned the list, becoming her perfect 17th No. 1 of 17 entries this decade).

Hot Singles Sales: 15

Billboard Hot 100: 12

Radio Songs/Hot 100 Airplay: 9

Billboard 200: 7

Hot Dance Airplay: 7

Top Music Video Sales: 7

Adult Contemporary: 5

Internet Albums: 3

Digital Albums: 2

Digital Songs: 2

Hot Videoclips: 2

Pop Songs/Mainstream Top 40: 1

Dance/Electronic Albums: 1

WHO’S THAT GIRL: Madonna has made two other notable appearances on Dance/Club Play Songs, although she did not receive artist credit on either top five track.

She wrote and contributed background vocals to Jellybean’s 1984 No. 1 “Sidewalk Talk.”

In 1996, she took part in Junior Vasquez’s No. 2 “If Madonna Calls.” The song features telephone answering messages from Madonna to Vasquez.

In a career as luminous as Madonna’s, that last effort might just be the only case where Madonna could be accused of phoning it in.

Celebration (2 CD)

Madonna List Price: $24.98 Price: $17.99 You Save: $6.99 (28%)

Release Date: September 29, 2009

Product Description

2 CD edition. Madonna, who has racked up a record 37 top 10 hits as well as seven No. 1 albums (including her last four) on the Billboard Pop Charts, has given her fans yet another opportunity to ‘celebrate’ her musical achievements. The songs on ‘Celebration’ have all been remastered and selected by Madonna and her fans. They cover the expanse of the Material Girl’s extraordinary career of hits

Track Listings

Disc 1

1. Hung Up

2. Music

3. Vogue

4. 4 Minutes

5. Holiday

6. Everybody

7. Like A Virgin

8. Into The Groove

9. Like A Prayer 10. Ray Of Light

11. Sorry

12. Express Yourself

13. Open Your Heart

14. Borderline

15. Secret

16. Erotica

17. Justify My Love

18. Revolver

Disc 2

1. Dress You Up

2. Material Girl

3. La Isla Bonita

4. Papa Don’t Preach

5. Lucky Star

6. Burning Up

7. Crazy For You

8. Who’s That Girl

9. Frozen 10. Miles Away

11. Take A Bow

12. Live To Tell

13. Beautiful Stranger

14. Hollywood

15. Die Another Day

16. Don’t Tell Me

17. Cherish

18. Celebration

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Meodeos! Vcs conseguem imaginar o que foi esse encontro? A inveja bateu agora…e bateu fote! Maravileeeendras!!! Lady Gaga encontra o ícone maior de tudo que ela trabalha para ser um dia, a sempre incrível e icônica Madonna! Yei! E tuudo isso ainda aconteceu no desfile do Marc Jacobs, ontém em NY! Báfu báfon bafônico!

ps: vcs conseguem imaginar e emoção de G-Gaaga com esse encontro? Eu consigo…e esse foi só o primeiro encontros das duas! LOVE! Foto para guardar para sempre!

Forgive me...I keep my promises

By means of violence, by means of drunken debauched behavior,

by means of an abortion and by means of lewd obnoxious suggestions

your lovers found their way in and out of your bed

while I waited and waited and waited and waited for decades…just to meet you…

One night when I tried to establish once and forever it takes more courage

to beg for the love of someone to hold my hand

than to die for a cause…in front of the factory of letters.

So forgive me when I too am among the men…trying to compete…who don’t know what they are doing

after all you are not the first my soul has used this closing line on…but for the sake of my heart I hope you are the last

I have to tell my greatest fear to…because with all the chaos I still don’t know…

if it’s because I love you too much…that I will never see you…again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Madonna acapella songs!

Axe-Static_Process stumbled upon a great site with many artists acapella (only vocals) songs including Madonna’s! So now you can accompany your guitar/piano or other instrument you’re playing with Madonna’s vocals and jam over “Miles Away”, “4 minutes”, “Secret”, “Cherish”, “Intervention” and many others!

Now you can join Madonna in "Miles Away"!

Simply visit, register (for free) and search for the Madonna acapellas! If you’re onto a cool cover, don’t forget to send it to our youtube channel or even submit it to our Axe-Static Celebration Contest! “What are you waiting for?”

Sunday, September 13, 2009

MTV's VMAs 2009

I know the show hasn’t technically started yet, in the sense that it’s still the pre-show red carpet portion, but I’ve decided to start simply so I could say this:

I love Taylor Swift. She’s beautiful, talented and genuine. A horse-drawn, Cinderella-like carriage came down the street and I immediately thought it was Taylor. It was. And now, I shall go back to hanging out with my suitemates.

É hoje! Todos os prêmios para Lady Gaga!!!

Yei! Finalmente chegou, é hoje o debut de Lady Gaga (Höy!) no VMA! Ahazante, estou esperando de um tudo nessa premiação! Um look bem báfu, loucuirnhas, foufurices e afins! Dizem que Madonna (HOY) vai abrir a noite para apresentar o tributo ao Michael Jackson que será feito pela Janet! Mas eu ainda acho que ela deveria apresentar o show de Gaga, ou entregar um dos prêmios que certamente ela vai levar neam? Ansioso mil! E para comemorar, vou postar aqui todos os videos de Lady Gaga que eu amo mil! E quero todos os prêmios para ela essa noite hein? Sorte Lady Gaga! Ahaza!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

E's song of the day

Another day another dollar.  I’m back home from work, but I have to be back at 5am tomorrow, so I’m gonna break you off with a tune and then get ready to go to bed (fml).  I hyped up female musicians last time, and I plan on delivering on all the hype.  We’ll open with a titan of music, period.  Strangely, it was the only solo female artist featured in one of my large CD books.  She’s getting older, but she’s still got it.  In fact, yesterday’s jam, Tiger Woods, references this artist.  I thought I’d go with something a little on the lighter side.  I went with a live version, just to mix things up a bit more.  Today’s jam: Madonna – La Isla Bonita.  Enjoy…


Thursday, September 10, 2009

DJ Enferno wraps up the Sticky & Sweet Tour

Sticky & Sweet Tour DJ Enferno updated his blog with a nice post, many photos and a couple of videos!

A year and a half ago, I had a gig at this small lounge called Blue Martini in Orlando, FL. Little did I know that one gig would change my life. Since then, I’ve traveled to 31 countries and performed 85 shows in front of over 3 million people.

"Our end-of-tour gift to Madonna...bobbleheads of the fellas..and her too, of course." - DJ Enferno

I’ve grown as a artist, having worked not just with Madonna, but with the highest caliber directors, musicians, and dancers. I’ve made some great friends, and in some cases, lifelong friends.

To read the rest of the story and see the photos & videos go to the Official DJ Enferno site!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gianni Versace-The Legend Lives On!

Gianni Versace

Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace sadly left us too early one morning in 1997, after returning from a stroll on Ocean Drive in South Beach Miami. It was at the hands of a madman, a gun-toting sick individual, Andrew Cunanan, who later committed suicide, that Versace drew his last breath. But instead of mourning, I wanted to celebrate his legacy and remember the classic styles he left behind.

Openly gay, Gianni and his partner Antonio D’Amico worked together, and after his death, Antonio got a salary for life and access to any of the properties owned by Versace. All the designs that the brand encompasses is synonymous with luxury, abundance and status.

Versace Haute Couture 2009

Versace Haute Couture 2009

Gianni Versace’s sister, Donatella Versace, became head designer after his brutal murder. She has run the company with a firm hand and maintained the signature style that it is known for. A favorite among Hollywood jet-setters like Madonna, Jon Bon Jovi, Naomi Campbell and Tina Turner, whom he also used in both runway shows and print ads. Everyone wanted a piece of Gianni.

During 1997, I visited Ocean Drive quite frequently, always connected to location shoots for various clients, and I remember admiring his mansion at the end of the street and thinking what a fortunate man he was, a very deserving one at that. It remains a monument and landmark of his legacy, and if you happen to be down there, stop by. It is well worth it…

Versace Haute Couture 2009

Versace Haute Couture 2009


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gossip; Justin too hot for Turkey, Lindsay Lohan being funny or delusional

The sexy clip of Justin Timberlake and Ciara for their single ” Love, Sex, Magic” is deemed to hot for Turkish TV. The ethics board from Turkey deems it harmful for children growing up and bad for morality in general. I think the clip is fine for all hours but definitely for after 9 pm. Pretty outdated their in Turkey.

Lindsay Lohan was either being really funny and able to make fun of herself or very delusional for wearing a “just say not to drugs” t-shirt. It’s like Madonna wearing an “I’m into older guys” t-shirt. Or Joan Rivers with a “just say no to plastic surgery blouse” Or Kirstie Alley with an……

The widower of British reality star Jade Goody, Jack Tweed, is back in trouble again. This good looks like such a sweet guy, nice brown eyes, a little feminine, skinny. But looks can fool. First he was sentenced for attacking a teenager with a golf-club, then  for assaulting a taxi-driver. A sentence that caused him to miss many precious moments with his then terminally ill wife and now he is being held into custody for rape. To think that if he would have played his cards right he could be one of Britain’s most treasured widowers. 

In my favorite potty-mouthed comedians book, Kathy Griffin talks about some plastic surgery and diet dramas in her life. As people that know her from earlier times can tell, she clearly had a nose job. She also had liposuction though that nearly caused her to die after complications. She also used extreme diet pills that are basically just speed. That reminded me of the TrimSpa stuff that Anna Nicole sponsored. I have always been fairly lean(still am( but for a while 5 years back I felt like 5 pounds to heavy so I used Trimspa for a month or so. That certainly had some energizer in it as well, I was really jittery from it and could not sleep well. After I stopped taking it my whole metabolism was out of wack for 6 weeks or so and I gained 15 pounds in that time. Thanks god eventually things got back to normal but that says something about those products.


Madonna Wants to Reconcile With Her Brother

Madonna doesn’t exactly have a very good relationship with her brother Christopher Ciconne.

As you may recall, he wrote and published a book in 2008 called Life With My Sister Madonna in which he had numerous negative things to say about both her and Guy Ritchie.

Madonna wasn’t happy at all with the book, but despite their estranged relationship, she is looking to patch things up. According to the Sunday Mirror, Madge wants to make amends with Christopher, and has apparently sent him emails to open up the lines of communication.

A source tells the publication, “Madonna did it more for her family than for herself. Her feud with Chris was creating huge tension within the family so she decided to be the bigger person.”

The insider added: “At one point Madonna wanted all the family to cut off Chris – but her father wasn’t willing. It’s been a nightmare ever since. She’s calmed down about the book and had time to think. She realizes blood is thicker than water and has said she will meet with him this year in LA.”

This is very big of Madonna to extend the olive branch, so to speak! Christopher did say some nasty things about his sister, which must be hard for her to deal with. But someone has to be the bigger person, so we like to see Madonna doing that and putting her family first!



Monday, September 7, 2009

Madonna quer fazer as pazes com seu irmão Christopher Ciccone

Christopher Ciccone, o irmão de Madonna, causou a fúria da irmã após publicar o seu polêmico livro, A Vida Com Minha Irmã Madonna, onde ele desabafava os conflitos da família, as brigas que teve com a irmã [e os defeitos dela, também] e muito mais casos em torno da Rainha do Pop.

“A Madonna que eu conheci uma vez está perdido para mim para sempre, peço desculpa para ela e para nós”, escreveu Christopher.

Agora, sabe-se lá porque, Madonna quer retomar os laços familiares com o irmão, depois de tanto tempo de intrigas e separação. Já andou enviando e-mails, e pretende se reencontrar com o irmão ainda este ano, em Los Angeles.Segundo boatos, é claro.

Guy Ritchie, ex-marido da cantora, é absolutamente homofóbico [e para quem não sabe, Chris é gay], e foi um dos principais pontos que causou o afastamento da Madonna com Chris. Agora, com a separaçaõ entre ela e o panaca Guy, o relacionamento pode voltar aindamais facilmente.

Ai, nada melhor do que a família reunida. Mas… e o burburinho da Madonna + Sean Penn ?


Sunday, September 6, 2009

PAPO POP: Beatles, Sean Lennon, Madonna, Jay-Z

SEAN LENNON, ao lado da namorada, Kemp Muhl, recriou a foto clássica de seus pais, John Lennon e Yoko Ono, feita por Annie Leibovitz em 1980. (Detalhes na Folha)

BEATLES: A Entertainment Weekly lista as 50 melhores músicas dos Beatles e também as 5 piores. Veja! E esta semana serão lançadas as versões remasterizadas digitalmente de toda a obra do grupo, em CDs que incluem fotos e vídeos inéditos. (via Estadão)

MADONNA quebrou seu próprio recorde. Sticky & Sweet é a turnê de artista solo com maior arrecadação em todos os tempos: US$ 408 milhões. (via Folha)

JAY-Z recria as capas de todos os seus discos em vídeo de 1 minuto:



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Statement Shoes: The Medium is the Message

What are statement shoes? They are shoes that make a statement.  It’s seems so obvious right?  But there is a precarious balance when it comes to an outfit and statement shoes.  This unspoken rule that the the outfit paired with the SS needs to complimentary without being bland or too outrageous, then you risk either saying nothing or being fashion overkill.  It’s like the difference between a nervous and twitchy speaker versus an eloquent, inspirational leader giving a commencement speech at Harvard.  The crowd only goes wild for one of the two.  Let’s discuss…

The term Statement Shoes has been thrown around a lot lately so let’s clarify a bit.  Hypothetically speaking, let’s say you put on a great pair of shoes in the morning and sashay into work and by 5pm when your friends are clocking out, no one has said ‘boo.’  And when you walk down the street, girls fail to give you the Manhattan Onceover.  I’m sorry to burst your bubble – these are not Statement Shoes.  Why?  Because the SS speaks to the masses, thus the masses need to shower you with compliments on your fashion risk-taking.

Here are some visual examples of The Statement Shoe:

Is it Spicy enough for you? Madge, Mischa & Posh all like it HOTTT.

  • On the higher end of the spectrum, here we have Spicy Shoes by Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton.  Methinks Marc went on a tribal safari.  Even though these are probably (!) too crazytown for pushing your cart at the grocery, they have been worn by many celebs such as Victoria Beckham, Alexa Chung, Heidi Klum, Beyonce, Jessica Simpson…basically every starlet.  It’s a red carpet shoe, non?
  • The Brits are always fashion forward with their shoe assortment.  Topshop is great at adapting high street fashion for young, trendy fashionistahs.   

MEMORANDUM:  Shoe Statements for FALL 2009

  • RUCHING: Louboutin with the trademark red sole also has some beautiful, yet wearable shoes.  These camel suede ones have ruching (pronounced roosh-ing; a fancy way of saying gathering fabric), which is a big trend for both clothing and shoes.


  • SNAKESKIN:  As far as I’m concerned, animal prints are and always will be in style.  But the python is in it to win it this Fall.  A lovely lady-like look in platform pumps.
  • T-STRAP SANDALS:  This 1930’s style often comes in a delicate sandal, however, the designs for fall are more ornate with the t-straps decorated with fringe, bows or ruffled fabric.
  • COBALT BLUE:  Another way to balance a monochromatic outfit is to pop your shoes with a bright colour.  If you need to update your shoe closet with one colour this Fall, it’s COBALT.

And a final parting note.  It’s not about how much you spend on your Statement Shoes.  It’s what you say with them…  APPLAUSE!!!

Runway to Reality: C breaks out her Statement Shoes on a Thursday night.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Sta-v-ar bezna-n gât

Acest articol este unul fără motiv. Asta din motiv că nu mă pot gândi la nimic anume şi am încrederea că o să încheg ceva până la sfârşit… o brânză, o mămăligă…

Mă uitam la categoriile în care aş putea să încadrez prezentul articol. Şi aveam de ales în primul rând “Pornocinemateca de aur”. Dar ce să vă spun? Momentan nu am niciun film porno stocat pe hard. Şi de ce aş avea, când www-ul este plin de pornăciuni şi am un net atât de bun şi torenţi aşa de pizdoşi, că în 30 de minute umplu 160Gb de o să îmi apară un balon de notificare în dreapta jos:”The partitions C:, D:, E: are full! Do you mind if I take a break to jerk off to free up some space?”

Apoi mai pteam să aleg “Amintire cu clăbuci” dar nu îmi place istoria marilor imperii, cum ar fi ditamai capitala Bucureşti, ţinut ce a lăsat în lume  o ditamai gaură de fund în care oameni de seamă se remarcă, iar la intrarea de pe autostrada scrie “Not only Exit!”.

Iar la categoria “Ştirile ca apa trasă” ce să scriu? Cum joacă bambilici Debil Boloboc şi Mucea Damigeoană cu responsabilitatea unei legi înpuţite care trebuia să fie gata de ani de zile, iar azi doar curăţată ca nasul de muci?! Ma-am plictisit să deschid televizorul doar aşa să consum curent. Noroc cu canalele educative Discovery my pubic hair sau National Geocomic că mai vezi câte ceva care te face să mai spui un “Să-mi bag pula, p-asta n-o ştiam”(evident, e vorba de o poziţie de sex la emisiunea aia d la ora 00:00, după ce te-ai asigurat că părinţii şi ceilalţi fraţi dorm). Jur că dacă le vad mutra lui Udrea, Orban, and co. pe unul din canalele astea cu excepţia Animal Planet, voi pune televizorul să fie biciuit de faţă cu toate electrocasnicele.

Cineva mi-a zis că fac politică. Când voi începe să mănânc căcat la televizor, să mă bat cu pumnii în piept ca maimuţa de 1,60m înalţime, să ştiu să îmi susţin punctele de vedere cu talent utilizând la înfinit modalităţi de procesare a maturului: “Ei sunt de vină!” şi să trag o beşină în plen să spun că am elaborat o lege… atunci putem spune că fac politică.

Ce drăguţ să observ că indiferent de român, politician, sau oricare alt bugetar, privaţi, muncitori de rând, părinţi şi copiii lor needucaţi… cetăţeni… nu prea şi-au dat seama că atunci când şi-au câştigat libertatea în 1989 au primit ca bonus cu forţa şi responsabilitatea. Dar ce au… sau aţi crezut? Că asta o vor prelua guguştiucii şi porumbeii căcătorii pe statuile din pieţele mari ale reşedinţelor de judeţ unde aţi strigat Jos Ceaşcă!!! Vrem să ne facem singuri rău, de-acuma!!!”. Când vine vorba de reponsabilitate toţi o alungă de parcă ar fi o muscă, la buda din fundul curţii, care nu îţi dă voie să citeşti liniştit articole din ‘93 din ziarul lipit pe pereţi să astupe găurile. Bun, şi dacă se găseşte cineva lucid să preia frâiele unei grămezi de fiare vechi privatizate imediat după revoluţie sau lovitura de stat… ce pula mea o fi fost… se găsesc hăia mai în vârstă care să îţi spună, aşa… mai cu cuvintele mele, “lasă bă puţă că nu ne înveţi tu pe noi gigolometrie! şi nici cum să furăm şi nu vii tu acum, un pârci să faci legi.” Pai dacă nici miniştrii nu mai respectă o constituţie împuţită care se vrea atât de clară, de ce ne mai agităm când ne face ţigani o pizdă americană pe scenă …

Dar, gata, să nu ne agităm. Ne calmăm, şi tercem la muncă. Sunt ferm convins că JUSTIŢIA va triumfa: magistraţii intră în grevă, guvernului i se face milă de ei că nu au bani de-o eugenie, o să ia bani iar de la armată, ăştia nu au ce comenta (aşa e la război când eşti în curul gol)… şi s-a făcut dreptate. Cred că în ţara asta sabia justiţiei e cam noduroasă şi nu intră in carne aşa cum artrebui!Până data viitoare, sta-v-ar bezna-n gât, nu în cap!


Uma nova Kelly Osbourne!

Kelly Osbourne admitiu que está nervosa com a sua estréia no programa “Dancing With the Stars”. De acordo com o site “US Magazine”, a filha do roqueiro Ozzy sempre sonhou em aprender a dançar, mas achava que não levava muito jeito para a coisa.

“Eu estou muito animada, mas apavorada também”, disse a roqueira. “Dançar é uma coisa que eu sempre quis aprender, mas nunca tive confiança e técnica suficientes para aprender. Eu não sou graciosa, entende? Queria fazer alguma coisa diferente, algo que me amedrontasse. Acho que nada me amedronta mais”, concluiu.

“Ainda não sei quem vai ser meu par, mas estou animada em fazer parte da equipe”, disse ela (fontes relatam que quando a temporada começar, em 21 de setembro, Osbourne estará dançando com Louis van Amstel).“Há uns anos, eu ia interpretar a Roxie, da versão teatral do musical ‘Chicago’, em Londres, mas eu deveria saber dançar. Como não pude aprender a tempo, acabei pegando o papel da carcereira Mama Morton”.

Kelly disse que não se importa com o resultado. “Não estou fazendo isso para provar que eu sou melhor que ninguém. Eu estou fazendo para me desafiar”, disse a cantora, admitindo que também está animada para “entrar em forma”. “Meu corpo vai ficar dolorido e tonificado”. “E ainda disseram que eu preciso conseguir um bronzeado falso, haha!”

Confesso que nunca assisti o programa. O mais próximo que cheguei a ver foi A dança dos famosos no Domingão do Faustão, mas Kelly, desde que regravou a música “Papa Don’t Preach” da Madonna me causa, no mínimo, curiosidade. Dessa vez assisto nem que seja pelo youtube, dependendo até rende um post aqui…

Vamos esperar!

E pra relembrar Kelly Osbourne em Papa Don’t Preach:

Leonardo Portela


Thursday, September 3, 2009

What Exactly is Madonna Celebrating?

The music video for Madonna’s new single really puts the nail in the coffin of her dignity.

As is now the norm with Madonna, scantily clad young men dance around while shots of the Queen of Pop are intermittently shown, gyrating embarrassingly in the direction of the camera whilst dressed like a slutty version of my mum. Only she’s not my mum, she’s Lourdes’ mum. At least she protects her daughter from the harsh world of celebrity. Wait no…that was Michael Jackson. Madonna, ever the blushing wall flower, instead gives her 13 year old daughter a cameo in the very same video where she practically strips off and humps her toy boy Jesus Luz.

'Does this music video make my bum look stupid?'

Wow, you’re a cool mum, and not at all messed up!

Honestly, the overall effect is somewhat disturbing. Growing old gracefully? She might have just celebrated her 51st birthday, but Madge is really shitting on that concept. The almost subliminal close-ups of Madonna rubbing her poontang really send the video from disturbing to vomalicious.

I personally feel that this is highly inappropriate behaviour for a woman half way to 102.

At least the song is catchy. It’s lucky that the voice synthesiser came to notereity right about the time she started to look like a bit of stringy chicken.

What do you think? Check out Madonna’s new Video, Celebration.


Song of the Month: Madonna's "Celebration" (Benny Benassi Remix)

The album version of “Celebration” is quite poppy and very European techno-ish, which isn’t bad but not quite ahead of the curve.

The Benny Benassi remix of “Celebration” is the real deal: grittier, dirtier, sexier, which is exactly what we want of Madonna, and not to mention pumping and catchier than the swine flu. It just doesn’t get better than this to say goodbye to the summer season and usher us into the fall.

Check out the just released version one (version two comes out next week) of the video; the Benny Benassi edit used here packs all the punch of the extended version into 4 awesomely fun minutes of 4 on the floor dance reveling:


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Madonna ar impusca paparazzii dc era un paparatto tigan? Deci gagica cea toleranta, nu suporta sa fie pozata , dar scuipata, amenintata, dar sa calce cu rotile limuzinei in baliga pe care tiganii nu o strang? Dar sa mearga in tramvai si aia sa scuipe sa o agaseze cersind si putind?

In America patria tolerantei, o romanca a fost tratata ca o prostituata doar pt ca era romanca, dar organizatiile anti-discriminare n-au zis nimic (ziceau dc era o americanca negresa). Aia ne tin noua lectii de democratie? Noi fiind” you est-european countries”, adica un terci amorf, parca n-am avea si noi o identitate nationala.

Romanii sunt tratati ca sub oameni in Italia si nu numai dar aia nu e discriminare? Suntem priviti ca o tara de tigani. In Elvetia aparusera la un moment dat bannere cu harta Elvetiei sfasiata de ciori si mesajul:”Nu hotilor romani!”

Prea Curata artista pop a renuntata la discursul antidiscriminare in Sofia, deci probabil discursurile umaniste sunt bune numai dc atrag simpatie si aduc aplauze.


Madonna beija Jesus Luz em novo clipe, e disponibiliza gratuitamente na internet.

Madonna lança novo vídeo clipe na internet. Internautas tem 48 horas para baixar o clipe novo gratuitamente.

Madonna e Jesus Luz aos beijos em novo video clipe da cantora!

 Madonna lançou nesta terça-feira (1º) o videoclipe de “Celebration”, faixa-título de seu novo álbum, uma compilação reunindo faixas remasterizadas escolhidas pela própria cantora e pelos fãs. O vídeo pode ser baixado gratuitamente até o fim da quarta-feira (2) no site de vendas de vídeos e MP3 iTunes, da Apple.


A música, parceria de Madonna com o DJ Paul Oakenfold, apareceu na internet no final de julho. O videoclipe tem a participação do brasileiro Jesus Luz, suposto namorado da cantora, atuando como um DJ. O vídeo foi rodado em Milão e traz a cantora aos beijos com o modelo – apelidado pela imprensa sensacionalista de “boy toy” da popstar.

Além de Jesus, a filha mais velha de Madonna, Lola, aparece dançando em uma das cenas.

Segundo o site oficial da artista, “Everybody”, “Express yourself”, “Vogue” e “4 minutes” estão entre as faixas que compõem o repertório do álbum, que está previsto para 28 de setembro nos Estados Unidos e dia 29 no resto do mundo.. Na ocasião será lançado também um DVD com videoclipes.

A capa do álbum foi criada pelo artista pop conhecido como “Mr. Brainwash”. O disco deve incluir ainda duas novas músicas de Madonna gravadas recentemente em Nova York.


Texto de:  UOL

Foto: VejaOnline



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Madonna celebrando

Madonna - Celebration

Vazou hoje o novo e bem fraco clipe da cantora Madonna, a música é Celebration e estará presente no seu disco homônimo de hits.

A música em si é boa, bem madonna e bem pista, mas o clipe continua com o conceito paredes brancas/pretas e dançarinos pulando de um lado para o outro. Talvez funcione uma vez, mas todas não dá. Dois singles antes ela já tinha tentado isso em “Give it 2 Me” e tinha se saído muito melhor.

Jonas, o videomaker.

O que é estranho é que o produtor é o famoso Jonas Åkerlund, o qual já trabalhou com a Madge em inúmeros trabalhos, tanto em seu documentário I’m Going to Tell You a Secret e também seu especial televisivo The Confessions Tour: Live from London como em clipes: Jump e American Life.

Fora a Madonna este suiço já trabalhou com outros grandes nomes e este ano mesmo fez grandes clipes Paparazzi - Lady Gaga, When Love Takes Over - David Guetta feat. Kelly Rowland e o novo single do Mika We Are Golden.

No clipe temos a presença do garoto-modelo-nem-tão-bonito-mas-bem-famoso Jesus Luz e da filha da Madonna fazendo um break aos 3:15.



Um plus a mais:

Link 1 – Coleção de underwear que o modelo Jesus Luz fotografou para a marca italiana “Intimissimi”.
