Thursday, October 29, 2009

Like Mother...

It’s close to Halloween and i’ve been going through Madonna’s fabulous makeovers through the years to inspire me (for the record, i don’t think i can pull the madonna costume off). I came across this pic though — part of the “Celebration” video, i think. DaughterLourdes does her best to be like mom Madge. Eerily reminiscent of a young Madonna (er, like a virgin as well?), it’s like looking at the fab Madge herself! Awesome, i say.

magicFIB vasaras 09 darbi

2009. gadu, ko daudzi sāka ar saīsināšanu visās jomās un lielu depresiju, magicFIB nu jau gandrīz pavadījuši, strādājot, strādājot un vēlreiz strādājot.


Neskatoties uz bēdu ielejas drūmo noskaņu, vasarā:

Borowa Mc aicināja domāt par mīlestību…

…un aicināja uz Latgales koncertiem…



magicFIB aicināja doties uz Madonnas koncertu Tallinā atraktīvā fanu busā…


Medicīnas centrs Mā-Re nolēma izveidot jaunu mājas lapu…

Albumu izdeva Sovvaļnīks, nu jau arī starptautisku atzinību iemantojis latgaliešu dziesminieks…

… pietiks. Jāķeras pie darbiem, gana priecāties

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's So Cool!

Bon mardi mes Amours,

Je ne sais toujours pas ce que je veux faire pour changer le monde, mais ça va venir! Rome ne s’est pas bâti en un jour! Ce matin je parlais avec un collègue de travail et on parlaient des pages Jaunes, quel gaspille et personne ne fait rien pour cette abomination… Mon collègue me disait suite à mes explications une belle images : “C’est l’histoire d’une grenouille qu’on met dans un chaudron, elle est pénarde dans son eau tiède,  heureuse de sa situation elle se dit pourquoi bouger puisque je suis bien! Un individu met le feu a broil et là la grenouille sent la soupe chaude et bouge!” Un ti peu simple mais l’être humain est comme ça, faut que la soupe chauffe pour qu’il bouge… Faudrait que je trouve comment ouvrir le rond des imbécilités humaine et je m’inclue dans les conneries.  Je veux faire du bien autour de moi mais j’ai pas le temps, je préfère me reposer dans mon eau tiède, c’est rassurant et apaisant.  Pour l’égo, boof pas le temps de réfléchir!  Bien que nous sommes tous différents on est tous dans la même soupe… L’être humain est capable de si belles choses et de choses si attroces ! Encore faut-il en être sensibilisé et encore faut-il se sentir concerné et de là à passer à l’action pour changer le monde…

Ah oui avant que j’oublis, petite dispute avec Moto-Men! mais rien de grave il vient chez-moi ce soir.  Le prétexte, il m’a boudé hier et ne m’A pas donné de nouvelles parce que soit disant il avait besoin de sa liberté.  Je vous dit pas comment j’tais frustré et lui est renvoyé, ben mon grand si tu veux être libre faut le dire je peux pas le deviner! Et je ne vais pas prendre la chaise du gars super dépendant affectif…. L’Amour c’est l’Amour…. mais quand on te dit j’ai besoin d’avoir du temps ça se dit… mais no way, i dont take the chair….. Bref on s’est expliqué et mon ti poilu va venir dans mes bras, kool!

ah oui en passant jaAi trouvé un autre vocation pour le site… un site de Match… Alors, la nouvelle mission c’est de matcher les célibataire. La première inscrite c’est Peggy, faudra que je travaille le marketing parce que la mise en marché fait pouette! pouette!

Peggy belle Pitoune! Greenpeace, tendance à ironiser quelquefois, recherche beau mâle intelligent style Plateau cultivé pas con  et bien membré (oups je confond avec mes matchs!) Paggy préfère les gars costeaux, attention musclé quand-même, intello conscient de l’écosystème de la terre, impliquer pour changer la planète.

Bref tu es intéressé, tu te sens concerné ou tu connais un beau mâle en rute, post dans le Blogue le plus en vue pour les bads people ajoute ta photos et on va te dire si Peggy va t’aimer….. SVP pas de photo obscène  (pour sa utilise mon courriel :

La vilaine charrue

By the way, avez-vous écoutez les Paroles de la nouvelles toune de Madonna? Bien en gros c’est c’est bon pis ça colle à La Vilaine Charrue et vous ça vous colle!

It’s So Cool!

Soyez vous-même!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Noronha em Notas


Marcelo Falcão, vocalista de O Rappa, confidenciou aos amigos de Fernando de Noronha que quer ver os ‘rastas’ dele ficarem brancos na ilha, ou seja, ele planeja morar por lá num futuro bem próximo. Durval Lélis, do Asa de Águia, também tem o mesmo plano para sua aposentadoria, sendo que o baiano já tem onde morar: na sua Pousada TriboJu, que está prontinha da silva e deve ser inaugurada dentro de alguns dias.


Pela primeira vez o House Ship – cruzeiro perfeito para quem adora música eletrônica – vai sair do eixo do Sudeste. Nesta quinta edição, de 25 a 29 de novembro, o navio Orient Queen ancora por aqui, no Nordeste e o cenário escolhido para essa grande party foi Fernando de Noronha. Na trilha sonora dos cinco dias de festa estão DJs tops nacionais e até internacionais, entre eles, Will Saul, Phonique & Vicenzo, Paulinho Boghosian, além de Mario Fischetti e outros ‘n’ DJs.

Ancorando em Noronha, na sexta-feira, nada de festas em terra firme, apenas passeios nas praias, mergulhos e por aí vai… O navio ocupará apenas 600 de suas mil vagas, ou seja, mais conforto. Os tripulantes partem de Fortaleza, mas com check out no Porto do Recife. O preço da cabine dupla varia de R$ 2.250,00 a R$ 7.600,00. Vendas na Lead.

Voo de Verão

A partir de novembro, a TAM vai operar voo direto para Fernando de Noronha. O transporte será feito numa aeronave do modelo Airbus A320. A frequência será semanal: todos os sábados, a partir das 13h. Com isso, a ilha terá ganhará mais uma opção de companhia aérea, além da Trip e Gol.

Final de Semana

Em Fernando de Noronha com a esposa e hospedado na Pousada Zé Maria, o ex-senador Jorge Bornhausen (DEM-SC) passa o final de semana curtindo o sol e uns dias de descanço na ilha, na noite de sexta-feira (23), saboreou os quitutes da chef mineira, Monica Rangel que comandou as panelas do restaurante do Zé Maria para o 8º Festival Gastronômico de Pernambuco.

Plano B

Os habitués do réveillon de Fernando de Noronha estão começando a pensar num plano B para as boas-vindas a 2010. Nunca esteve tão caro, e difícil, arranjar passagens aéreas. Enquanto uma companhia cobra R$ 2 mil, a outra encontra-se sem disponibilidade nas datas dos pacotes das pousadas.

Jesus e o Paraíso

Ana Clara Marinho estava com a camisa “Madonna: Jesus te ama e eu também!” no The Pub, mas decidiu entregar ao DJ quando ele for a Noronha. Ela o convidou para passar o réveillon na ilha, mas Jesus já confidenciou que a virada será com a Madge.

Trip com novo voo para Noronha

A trip ampliará sua frota de aeronaves até dezembro, das 27 atuais passará para 30. Com isso, a empresa fechará o ano de 2009 com um crescimento de 10 aeronaves. Outra novidade é o novo voo que sairá do Rio de Janeiro, a partir de dezembro, e fará a ligação a Belo Horizonte, Maceió, Recife e Fernando de Noronha sem precisar de trocar de aeronave ou fazer conexões.

Fontes: Sociais por Daliana, Coluna Dia a Dia com Roberta Jungmann / Jornal do Commércio / PE, Mercados e Eventos

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lançamentos da Tia

Segundo o site PopLine, o DVD da turnê “Sticky & Sweet Tour” (aquela que veio pro Brasil ano passado) já tem data de lançamento marcada, e porderá estar nas lojas já no dia 7 de dezembro, “no formato DVD+CD”.

Lembrando que todo mundo (ou não) já viu assistiu o super-show: Ou ao vivo, ou pelo Multishow HD, ou baixou o show transmitido pelo canal britânico Sky1.

Como eu sou bonzinho, vou colocar alguns links de Downloads confiáveis dos próximos lançamentos da Madonna..

Mas não se esqueçam de comprar os Originais! Bjos

Começando pelo show Sticky & Sweet Tour , rs..

Sorry, Live Nation!

Audio HQ – Video HQ

Celebration CD Duplo

CD 1 – CD 2

Celebration DVD Duplo [Torrent]

Créditos a comunidade: Madonna Downloads ♪

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Madonna - Like A Virgin (Remix/Edit)


Last Friday I felt privileged to see Nile Rodgers and Chic perform live in Buenos Aires. They were opening act for the Pet Shop Boys. I was plesantly surprised at the close contact he kept with the audience, and most of all his humbleness, this guy is pretty much a living legend in the pop music industry. They sounded as funky as ever, this man is 57 years old and had more energy than me!

The band played some Chic songs like “Le Freak”, “Good Times” and did a great mash-up of their “Soup For One” with Modjo’s “Lady” which sampled from the track. The band also played songs from other artists which Nile produced, such as Sister’s Sledge “We Are Family”, “Thinking Of You”, Diana Ross’ “I’m Coming Out”, David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”, and Madonna’s “Like A Virgin”.

All in all, his show was a shot of good vibes, funk, and humbleness.

Thanks for the music!


Influential guitarist, songwriter and producer, born 19 September 1952 in New York City. A leading light of the disco scene in the late 1970’s, he recorded as part of Chic and with bandmate Bernard Edwards produced many of the most popular and memorable disco hits of the 1970’s and 1980’s. You can take a look at the entry Bernard Edwards & Nile Rodgers for a more complete list of their works together. Rodgers produced artists like Sister Sledge, Diana Ross, David Bowie, Madonna, Duran Duran, Mick Jagger, INXS, Thompson Twins, Grace Jones, B-52’s, The and Beavis & Butt-Head and is responsible as either artist, producer or writer of songs that have accounted for sales of over 100,000,000 records.
Rodgers is also the first African-American to own his own national music distribution company Sumthing Else MusicWorks, Inc., which is a leader in the distribution of video game soundtracks.

Nile produced the entire “Like A Virgin” album, playing guitar on all tracks and the synclavier on “Material Girl” and “Stay”. As a producer, this collaboration was among his biggest achievements.

Song Information

“Like a Virgin” is the first single by Madonna from the homonymous album and was released on November 6, 1984 by Sire Records.

The song slammed onto the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles chart the week of November 17, 1984 at #48, and shot up the chart rapidly, reaching #1 by its sixth week, December 22, 1984. It was the first of four top five singles from the album. “Like a Virgin” remained in the Top 10 for nine weeks, in the Top 20 for eleven weeks, and in the Top 40 for fourteen weeks.

Internationally, the song was a Top 5 hit and reached the top spot in numerous countries. In the UK it was a massive hit reaching No.3 and selling over 760,000 copies, becoming Madonna’s second best-selling single in the UK to date. It was her first number one single in Australia, Canada and Japan.

The Remix/Edit

There was no 7″ remix released for “Like A Virgin”, the album version was the hit version. An extended dance remix for the 12″ single was commissioned to John “Jellybean” Benitez.

Six years later, a remix was done by Shep Pettibone for 1990’s “The Immaculate Collection“. Since all these versions are easily obtainable, I thought it more fun to include an edited version of the dance mix I did years ago.

Hope you enjoy it!


Sire Records Company

Track Listing and Details:

1. Like A Virgin (Remix/Edit) (4:00) (unofficial)

Rip Information:

Source: CD

Format: mp3

Bitrate: 320 kbps

Password: steptothebeat

To rate this post, click on the comments hyperlink below its title.


Madonna’s neighbors are less than pleased with  the material girl’s love of pumping  up the volume in her Manhattan apartment.

Karen George, Madonna’s neighbor filed a law suit claiming: “blaring music, stomping and shaking walls, for up to three hours each day… and… unreasonably high-decibel, amplified music and vibrations pouring through walls, ceilings and radiators,” are what her and neighbors have to endure.

At least Madonna is raising her musician and performer daughter, Loudres Ciccone in the right vein to encourage maximum musical creativity. Madonna’s message, “turn my  music up.” She sounds like a fun mom.

[Vintage Madonna Image via Esty. Image of Lourdes Ciccone by LoveMadonnaRussia]

~posted by Horiwood.Com, Saturday 17th October 2009, Hollywood California USA~

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Luiza Possi vai cantar ao lado da irmã de Michael Jackson em homenagem ao astro publicado por Juliano Berenyi Cerqueira em: Michael Jackson Acontece

Uma homenagem para lá de especial a Michael Jackson vai acontecer no dia 12 de novembro, no Via Funchal, em São Paulo.

Luiza Possi vai subir no palco para cantar ao lado de Latoya Jackson, a irmã de Michael Jackson. A cantora postou uma mensagem em seu twitter avisando sobre a apresentação.

“Agora uma bomba! Atenção! Vou cantar com a Latoya Jackson no dia 12 de novembro, no Via Funchal. Tributo ao Michael Jackson! Sim, estou emocionada!”, publicou ela.

Com certeza vai fazer bonito!

Madonna for D&G and more news

from madonnatribe

With the release of the Celebration album and single and the coming release of the Sticky and Sweet tour on dvd it would seem logic for any artist to take a pause and enjoy the success but that doesn’t happen to Madonna, who is working on more releases for her fans to enjoy.
First of all there’s Revolver, the second new track on her greatest hits album that, as previously reported by MadonnaTribe a while back, will be the second single release off the compilation. The news is that lots of remixers have been contacted to remix the song and among them we find Tracy Young, David Guetta and Paul Van Dyke.
But for die hard fans the most exciting news regarding her music is that for Christmas we’ll also get brand new house remixes of two of her biggest classics: Holiday and Into The Groove!

Meanwhile Madonna will also be busy with another fashion campaign. She will team up again with photographer Steven Klein next month for the new Dolce & Gabbana campaign, but the cool thing is that this time she will model not for the women’s collection but for the men’s! We are sure Madonna and Klein will come up with some great ideas for this one!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Like a Virgin

Madonna was laatst op David Letterman. Perfect strakgetrokken gezicht, afgetraind lijf en ze flirtte ondeugend met de presentator. Het kan dus echt tegenwoordig: voor altijd jong. Na de piek van haar carrière kreeg ze kinderen, op 38- en bijna 42-jarige leeftijd. Op 48-jarige leeftijd adopteerde ze een zoon, en dit jaar, op 50-jarige leeftijd, adopteerde ze een dochter. Zien gezinnen van topvrouwen er in de toekomst allemaal zo uit?
Het goede nieuws is dat het tegenwoordig kan, topvrouw zijn. In dat opzicht is de feministische golf geslaagd. Maar hoe dat te combineren met moederschap, daarover vliegen wij vrouwen elkaar nog steeds in de haren. Oude feministen zweren bij quota, positieve discriminatie en opgelegde cultuurveranderingen. Vrouwen, de ‘niggers of the world’, moeten geholpen worden. Nieuwe feministen zoals Heleen Mees denken dat vrouwen mannen in de kast zijn. We moeten durven uitkomen voor onze carrièredrive. Niks borstvoeding, gratis kinderopvang en excuustruzen, maar laten zien dat je je mannetje kunt staan. Letterlijk. Dumpen in de crèche die kinderen, als je ze al neemt. Dat moet. De antifeminist Marike Stellinga gruwelt van al deze ideeën en beweert dat vrouwen helemaal geen mannencarrière willen. Nederland is een vrouwenparadijs, omdat het kleine-baantjes-ethos gesneden is op het vrouwenlijf. We willen moederen. Laat ons.
Het combineren van carrière en moederschap blijft knellen. Het kost allebei tijd en energie en moet min of meer tegelijkertijd gebeuren. We kunnen het kindjes maken uitstellen, massaal aan de IVF en adoptie, en met botox en liposuctie jong blijven. Kijk naar Madonna: het kan, maar het is wel een beetje eng. Het is gezonder als vrouwen op het werk later kunnen pieken dan mannen, zodat we eerst meer van ons kroost en later meer van ons werk kunnen genieten. Dat is pas een vrouwenparadijs.

De onmogelijke opdracht luidde: schrijf een column van 300 woorden waarin je de volgende stelling verdedigt of weerlegt: “Vrouwen moeten meer tijd hebben voor zelf-ontplooiing en daarom moet de vruchtbaarheidsleeftijd zo lang mogelijk kunstmatig worden verlengd”. Geweldig idee. Not. Deze column had gepubliceerd moeten worden in NRC Next, maar helaas kozen ze een andere…

It's all about the picks!

For many people playing guitar may seem to be a simply thing to do, but in fact it’s everything but that! Apart from the music theory and techniques, the wannabe guitar player has to choose strings, amps, effects, straps and of course picks!

It’s a common thing for the guitarists to throw the picks to the fans, after the end of some rockin’ song or in the finale, and both Madonna and Monte Pittman have done that! So here are their picks that some very lucky fans were handed!

Madonna, Monte Pittman and Stuart Price signature picks!

Monte Pittman has preferred in the last tours the Tortext (by Dunlop) picks while Madonna almost always plays with her golden nylon one!

It’s the small details that make the difference What kind of pick do you have??

P.S. thanks to for some of the above photos!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

On working with Madonna David Foster On Whitney, Madonna, and Finding the Next Big Thing

David Foster On Madonna
Wednesday 07 October

“Working with Madonna was an amazing experience for me. She is such a professional, always on time, her work ethic is unbelievable. I had a great time with her, and we had a hit together that together that we wrote called ‘You’ll See,’ which was on her Greatest Hits album.”

May12 David Foster talks about Madonna

“Madonna was great to work with because — I never really understood her mystique although I always liked her music. We met in New York, had dinner to discuss the album. And there was something so intoxicating about her. We were just the two of us at dinner and I was looking at her going, ‘Wow, she totally sucks you into her world. It’s like there’s nobody else in the restaurant.’ She had a great work ethic. A lot of artists, they want to be co producers just because they can. She wanted to be a co producer, but she earned it. She really knows her way around a studio. She works hard.”
source :

50 like Madge... how do we compare?

SHE is worth an estimated £200million, works out at least two hours a day with her personal trainer and follows a strict low-carb diet.
Which all helps to explain how Madonna’s youthful looks have become a modern-day wonder.

As she hits the big five-oh on Saturday, it really does seem like Time Goes By So Slowly for the Queen Of Pop.

But what about her contemporaries out in the real world?

We asked four everyday women how they maintain their looks.

Sue relies on baby lotion, Jo on dancing, Jayne is a fitness fanatic and Carol is a cosmetic surgery devotee.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Brazilidade: Fléxemóbe

Olha só… quando eu digo que brasileiro é um povo que se inspira no american style, ninguém me compreende. Na verdade, os brasileiros gostam de aparecer, não gostam de ficar por baixo, temos que estar sempre por cima.

É issaê mesmo! No dia das crianças as beeshas pessoas tem um encontro marcado para “celebrar o mundo“! Quero só ver no que vai dar. Vamos terinar a coreô juntos?!

Não viu? Então clicaê

Boa sorte pra quem vai, tem que ter coragem…

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Madonna ritardata?

Certo, la notizia da estrapolare da questo articolo sarebbe che Guy Ritchie ama ancora Madonna, ma chissenefrega? Ormai Madge (ooops, non vuole più essere chiamata così!) ha il bambinello…

La cosa che invece mi è saltata agli occhi è come Guy definisca la Queen of Pop:

…Ma è anche una ritardata…

Ritardata? Una fabbrica-macina-soldi come lei ritardata? Sarei curioso di approfondire…

Cosa avrà voluto dire secondo voi??

Guy Ritchie: Madonna é uma retardada!

Olha só quem está falando???

Guy Ritchie está claramente tentando chamar atenção, que eu felizmente terei a honra de dar a ele, em um post onde eu digo que ele é um total idiota por trazer Madonna à tona em entrevista, após divorciados por mais de um ano.

Em uma entrevista para a Esquire Magazine, Guy começou a por pra fora  seus sentimentos e ressentimentos em relação à Rainha, afirmou que sentia que ela podia estar no páreo com qualquer garota de 20 anos de idade: “Madonna faz as coisas acontecerem. Coloque Madonna contra qualquer garota de 23 anos de idade que ela vai malhar mais, dançar mais, fazer tudo melhor que elas. A mulher é um furacão.“

Sim ela é. Você deve se lembrar bem disso, rs.

Ah espere, ele esqueceu e depois colocou para fora um estúpido comentário: “Eu ainda a amo. Mas ela também é uma retardada.”

De que ele a chamou? Sério? Chegou a esse ponto?

O que você é também? Mesmo que você ainda tenha algum ressentimento, você não poderia achar uma maneira mais elegante ou madura para descrever sua ex-mulher?

Você deveria ser um respeitado artista, mas está muito longe disso Guy!

Devo confessar que eu tinha um pouco de preconceito com Guy Ritchie, mas depois dessa, tenho um conceito. ELE É UM IDIOTA!

Ah, e de bônus nada melhor que uma música que deveria ter sido escrita pra ele:

Gilvan Oliveira

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Trend Tip: Don't be scared! Hard Ware aint so hard to wear...

There’s no denying it. Fashion’s getting pretty aggressive right now. If you’re not suited and booted in studs, black leather and buckles then, clearly, you’re doing something wrong. What’s up, are you scared or something? Wimps!

Okay, okay, we’re sorry… stop crying! We understand. Looking like a tough nut isn’t everyone’s style. That’s why us lot here at FashAddict wanted to give you a few pointers on how to inject a little bit of ‘HardWare’ into your life whilst still retaining the air of an… ahem… delicate flower.

For tips on looking fierce, you need look no further than the We Run This Town video featuring Rihanna looking amazing in studded specs and Jay Z accessorising with an ammo belt (above). If sporting a load of bullets makes you a little uncomfortable (what’s up with you? Not into glamourising violence?) then go for something that at least looks a bit metallic and in-your-face. We love our Duke & Duchess Jada dress for its feisty neckline teamed with feminine drapes and sexy straps.

It’s the perfect mix of strong and sweet! And as you get braver, you can start adding extra punky accessories, like studded wrist bands and chunky heels. We’ve been watching Lady Gaga’s Love Game video (below) for accessorising tips. There’s belts and buckles galore!

Love her or hate her, you can’t argue that one thing Gaga understands is how a hot pair of legs can bring the fierce factor to any ensemble. But we’ll admit it, even we are too chicken to don chain-mail knickers and leave our skirts at home on a night out (dancing atop cars in parking lots… as you do). No, we’d much rather get our pins out in a pretty playsuit.

Like this one! It’s the Matilda playsuit from our lovely label Chandelier and it’s cute and girly and silky and flirty BUT there are those hard embellishments again! This time the studs are on the all-important shoulders, the one place you need to be accentuating right now!

Ahhh, the shoulder trend… blame it on the Balmain! Of course, ‘hard shoulders’ are another thing you need to master if you are wanting to look your fiercest this season. Check out Madonna writhing around in Balmain in her new ‘Celebration’ video to see the power of the power shoulder and, of course, Madge throwing some crazy shapes!

Speaking of crazy shapes, it’s not just shoulders that are getting all angular. Strong silhouettes are key in nailing this ‘Hard-Ware’ trend, so don’t forget to kit yourself out in a couple of tin-foil triangles and strike a pose a la Beyonce and Gaga! Or, for the more demure amongst you, our lovely Duke & Duchess Honor jacket cuts quite a fierce silhouette AND nails the shoulder trend. Also, for the REALLY demure amongst yu, the shoulder pieces are attached with poppers, so you can take them off if you’re ever having a bad shoulder day!

All clothes are available from Topshop Oxford St and Mags & Pye Boutique on Brick Lane!

If you are in need of any more inspiration on how to show off your hard side, then have a gander at Look Book where the stylistas over there can show you how it’s done! Here’s a few of our faves; I Can’t Help Myself / But I Love The Bones Of You / When They Fight, They Fight / In The Goth Gang / Wild Child / Simple Studs

More Stuffs

Ok, on the real, I’m straddling the fence on this one. There are so many things wrong with this song, yet the two things that are right with it just might cancel out the bad. First, the lyrics are horrible. Key$ha, I know you didn’t just say you brushed your teeth “with a bottle of Jack” did you? That doesn’t make you hardcore. It makes you stupid for trying. Also, I don’t like the channeling of Fergie. You sound just like her when you spit them “rhymes”. Fergie ruined the Black Eyed Peas and I’ll never forgive her for that. Just don’t do it. And please stop the rapping. A pop singer rapping ruins everything hip hop means. The “S” in you name as a dollar sign, is cute, but that was over like 9 years ago, kid. You bit Gaga’s “Just Dance” hook b/c yours sounds very very similar… you’re a newbie, though. You’ll learn. The good news? You gotta mighty catchy hook (thanks to Gaga’s influence) and a solid overall sound of the song (minus the vocals) so I’m sure at some point, I’ll be dancing to you in the club by default, therefore making you the winner in this stitch.


New Madge for ya ears called “Celebration”. Vid is great. … I don’t care how old she is, Madonna looks amazing and still makes good music. She’ll always be the Queen of the Gwens and the Gagas …


Silver City’s “Ghostland Observatory” is ohsososososo good. Nice to chill too. Put it on today to get some work done and guess what? It worked. Dreamy electro … niiiice.


Next, “Whatever You Want” by Consequence feat. Kanye West and John Legend. I like this one because it’s a different sound for hip hop and I’m looking forward to some good remixes of it, too. I know Kanye can be douchey sometimes, but he’s still talented musically. Except when he tries to sing.


“Summertime Clothes” by Animal Collective. Do they ever make anything bad? No. They’re crazy and I totally love it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Late Show Video - David Letterman & Madonna - 09/30/09

more about “Late Show Video – David Letterman & M…“, posted with vodpod

Dave and “Madge” discuss A-Rod, marriage, her infamous appearance and enjoy a slice of NY pizza.

Madonna visits "Late Show with David Letterman" at the Ed Sullivan Theater on September 30, 2009 in New York City

Madonna visits "Late Show with David Letterman"

The Late Show with David Letterman” in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009. In the scene Madonna and David Letterman eat pizza at Angelo’s Restaurant next door to the Ed Sullivan Theater